MovieChat Forums > The Descendants (2011) Discussion > Bad dialogue. Bad acting. Bad editing. B...

Bad dialogue. Bad acting. Bad editing. Bad everything?

The films starts with 5 minutes of voice over by Clooney. Red flag #1...

Huge cliche of a story. Tragedy happens within family and shakes them up while they grow closer to each other.

Because of that enormous cliche most of the characters next to Clooney are generic. The comic relief boyfriend. The little sister who is too young to understand what is going on. The older daughter who initially hates her father but who grows closer to him as the movie progresses.

The film is structured as being a road movie without being one. Noting bad with that but perhaps watch Little Miss Sunshine if you like that. It's a good movie that is actually about something. I think the director also liked that movie but forgot to copy the most important part.

Don't go see this. Really. Some of the scenes are so weird that it feels like a 12 year old did the cut.

Also the most ridiculous scene in the whole film (for me at least) takes place at the end of the film when Judy Greer's character burst out in tears. Over a person who she has never met. Who her husband was seeing on the side. A character who only made 2 brief appearances in the movie until then but who we are supposed to emphasize with?!?!

I ran out of the theatre when I saw the performance of the little girl hearing her mother was going to die. So bad.

Without looking back.


I ran out of the theatre when I saw the performance of the little girl hearing her mother was going to die. So bad.

And you actually ran out of the theater? Priceless.
I once left the cinema when a brutal rape scene was on... But that's eight years ago when I was 17.

- I'm rather fond of the thought that I am writing in English.


I totally agree.
This was the worst movie I have ever seen. The woman who has cheated on her husband, was diminished to a dorpse while the man who did also cheated, was "forgotten". Two married people cheat on their spouses and at the end, it is all her fault, since the wife of the man says, "I forgive you". That was the absolute worst part. Why doesn't the cheating husband get killed?
The writer must have been a man who thinks it is ok if men cheat but when women cheat, they diserve to die. The story sucked, and I really truly hated the entire thing.


I personally loved the film, as I do a lot of Alexander Payne's work. I thought the dialogue was good and some of the acting was great, but everyone is entitled to their opinion and I could see why some of the dialogue and acting would be disliked by people, as it's a matter of taste.

Coming from the viewpoint of someone who works in editing, I am however intrigued as to what you thought was bad about the editing.

Their were a couple of shots that I think are over-used a bit in cinema at the moment (especially going from soft focus to in-focus on a subject whilst they are speaking dialogue), but this doesn't really bother me that much as they still look good and it's not the editor's job to film those shots.

Overall I thought the editing was pretty good. The shots lined up pretty well together, it stayed in keeping with the pace of the film throughout and there were no obliviously bad transitions between shots to my eyes to suggest the editing was bad. OK, it may not be the greatest piece of editing ever seen in cinema, but I certainly don't think it's bad. I think the editor did a decent job.


My film professor would have put TD in the "sentimentality" genre which is basically soap opera. This type of film is all about family. Somebody gets sick and/or dies and there is a big social issue and lots of string music. People talk and talk and talk, but nothing ever gets resolved.


Yeah, kinda like real life.^


Bad music also


A lot to dislike in this film.


you're line about " i ran out of the theatre when i saw the performance..." i almost died laughing.

I'm a rare combination of French film buff and thug.


it looked like one of those films you could guess what it was about from the preview.Was i wrong?

"There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it."


Waited a long time to watch this film. .. I LOVED IT!!!


Gotta say I enjoyed it...I loved the relationship between the father & his girls.

