Wholesome autist.

Everyone loves this dude. He has a lot of swag and seems such a lovely chap.

He's clearly on the spectrum but truth be told you probably need to be autistic to be so polite and classy. It doesn't come naturally to people. His autistic area of interest is fast food. Much more relatable than other autistic hobbies like elevators and trains.

A recent review of Burger Kings's Spider-Verse Whopper;


How do you know he is autistic?


Have you seen his videos? He blows up any autism detector. I have a cousin with aspergers. I can spot them a mile off.

He's blatantly non-neurotypical. Cool dude though, he's got a big following because he's so polite and pleasant.


Yes, I've seen many of ReviewBrah's videos. He's very good at what he does.

I'm sorry, what traits of his makes you think he is autistic?


You may be correct.

He certainly comes across as a bit odd but I used to wonder if perhaps he was suffering from some kind of Southern inbreeding problems. i.e. He looks like he has some physical issues.

Whether it's actually this which contributes to his seeming eccentricities I don't know...


The way he talks. No one who's neurotypical speaks like he does. He's very rigid and analytical.

Others have relatively low support needs; they may have more typical speech-language and intellectual skills but atypical social/conversation skills, narrowly focused interests, and wordy, pedantic communication.



Dude's the poster child


I find it funny that he dresses so well but then reviews fast food products instead of more upscale products.
