' I know this thread is really quite old now, with the last activity on it from some time back... But turns out I saw the movie for the first time last night, and having scanned through this forum, just felt compelled to respond to this particular discussion...
' What none of the respondents seem to understand is that not everyone on the planet thinks, feels, or needs the same things!
' Let me provide just ONE plausible example of a reason why Beth (or someone like her) might react the way she did in this movie in getting believably close emotionally to such a person as Dennis:
' I personally have known people like Beth - very attractive, extremely popular, socially dominant and _seemingly_ confident and "set." Who nevertheless are EXTREMELY lonely, unsatisfied, and often have NEVER in their lives experienced a really deep, meaningful relationship - and more specifically, love. Paradoxically, sometimes - no, often - this situation is brought about and enforced by the very circumstances that make her seem so appealing and which others envy: Her social status, physical beauty, the individuals she does get romantically entangled with and are deemed "acceptable" / "desirable" for a person like her, etc. etc. etc.
' So. Sometimes, when someone unexpectedly enters the picture with a real, lasting, positive / constructive devotion to this "Beth" - and if she somehow (however) ends up spending time enough with this person to begin to be able to really see and feel the difference between the ultimately superficial relationships she's known and the surprisingly supportive, re-enforcing, and positive, life-affirming interaction this apparent loser brings into her life... Well, I imagine anyone able to really put themselves mentally in an unfamiliar position and able to see and analyse it with eyes other / different than their own will quickly and easily comprehend why, perhaps, a "Beth" might experience SOME KIND of attraction towards this person.
' One Beth might experience the situation and find herself curious and kinda drawn to this guy... Probably not enough to commit to a romantic relationship, but enough to want to keep him around, continue to develop some kind of relationship or friendship.
' Another Beth in the same or similar circumstances might find herself desperately attracted to the emotions, attitudes, and so-on that she's never known but has ached for in her life. And here an "official" / "recognised" relationship is entered into.
' The quick-and-dirty examples I used here are pretty much extremes. So obviously there's room for a myriad different reactions and end-products.
' I know I turned this reply into a bit of a heavy read - I apologise - I just wanted to draw some basic pictures well enough for people to be able to see and accept that the possibilities are out there...
' Of course Hollywood never really deals with the reality of life we're saddled with daily and the effects time, space, familiarity, growing maturity, experiences gained, blah blah blah, ultimately has on any and all circumstances / situations / pictures (and relationships).
' Which, realistically, puts one in a position where you really can't do anything else but accept an infinite variety of end-results.
-Jack of All Trades, Master of Some!-