I really enjoyed this movie

It seems like a lot of people find this movie quite unfunny. I couldn't disagree more! I laughed non-stop throughout the movie. The jokes really got to me, the acting was above average, the script was suprisingly good and the storyline was ok. I think this movie deserves 7/10 stars. Apparently, I am one of very few people who found this movie very enjoyable...and that's strange.


Someone pay you to write this?


Agreed. This is one of my favorite movies OF ALL TIME.
I think maybe because I can relate to it, but whatever, it was great!

Is Tamara home?


I agree with you completely. I don't know why it got such bad ratings. I thought it was hilarious.



I saw this last night and actually quite enjoyed it too. There were some laugh out loud moments for me personally. As others said, I think it's because I can relate to the main character since I wasn't really that great with girls in school, lol!


I agree - this movie is hilarious.
Then again I am not the target audience.
I'm in my 40's so the central theme of living out your life when you're young and not having regrets hits home with me.

My favorite part/scene:


When Beth hugs Dennis and says "Thank you for loving me.".
Perfect line for a great scene.


I loved the movie and I am also in my 40's. That was the best line of the movie with the added comment from Dennis, "What's not to love". That actually bought a tear to my eye. I loved the movie. The characters were great. It was just a silly comedy and right now in this world there much to laugh about. So when I can watch a movie and don't have to think too much about it.... it makes it that much more enjoyable.


I really liked it also. The haters best be careful unless they want to see this film as a cult classic in 10 years time, you only need to have a small minority of people who really like it and then it's done.


I am also in the minority that LOVES this movie.

The ending is so sad. "If we're both single, I'm gonna marry you".

That part makes my heart break, in a good way

in a world full of wrong, you're the thing that's right. #


I am in the majority this movie was awful. I think if you have a bad sense of humor you may think its funny.


I think this movie was pretty good and I almost 40 years old. It really amazes me how people will hate they typical teen comedy because it has no substance and it totally unbelievable and then hate a movie like this because its not funny enough and is too dull and slow moving.


' Only just got around to seeing the movie today... And, to summarise simply (and BRIEFLY) my impressions thereof:
' It's a fun, lighthearted movie that actually has a beautiful core to it and message in it.

' Having had some experiences in my life that enable me to understand, empathise with, and relate to the essence of the story that's revealed around that conversation during which that line "Thank you for loving me" is delivered... That and the previous scene / conversation that leads up to that point (just before their FIRST real kiss)... I thought is was wonderful, really.
' It sold the whole film to me. I had enjoyed it up to that point as a fun, light entertainment with some generous laughs scattered about. But once that reveal is done... Well... It raised the whole piece in my eyes and I finished the film feeling very happy with my time spent. :-)

' So there. <Chuckles>

-Jack of All Trades, Master of Some!-


Why are people so serious? This was a fun movie. Many of you are picking it apart for no reason. I laughed alot during it. Especially when Rich came out of the closet and saw Kevin standing on the bed with the skeleton hands. You all need to relax and stop taking everything so seriously. Someone mentioned on another post how the girls were ugly. OMG. They were great. Beauty is not the most important thing in life. They were attractive but not overly attractive. Sometimes its more than the physical appearance that makes a person attractive. Its their personality as well. Anyway, I enjoyed the movie. Not an award winner but still enjoyable.
