MovieChat Forums > RocknRolla (2008) Discussion > I just don't understand why I didn't thi...

I just don't understand why I didn't think it was good

I love Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch. Two of the funniest movies ever made! So I was looking forward to this movie, hoping to get more of the classic Guy Ritchie humor instead of the Sherlock Holmes nonsense...

And I was so disappointed. BUT I JUST DON'T *beep* UNDERSTAND WHY! For some reason, I didn't laugh all that much at all, even though it had elements of those two movies.

What the *beep* is wrong with me? I'm so angry that I didn't think it was better. What the *beep* is wrong with me?



give it a second chance, it's indeed a wonderful movie. I like it better than snatch, for sure.


Agreed. I think it's better than SNATCH too.


This movie gets better with multiple viewing I think. The characters are good, the dialogue is rememberable, the acting is top-notch and has some really amazing shots.

What hurts the film a little is the running time. It feels like it was meant to be tightly paced like his two other British gangster classics. It would of helped the film create its own identity. I wasn't a big fan of this film when it came out at the cinema but it's one of those films you need watch it a few more times to really get a kick out of it.

I was shocked to find out that Gemma Arterton played June years later hahaha
My momma loved me but she died
Hud Bannon


Your hopes were too high and you met with a watered down version of what Guy Richie is capable. There is alot of rehashing the same jokes.


I found the film to be pretty darn good, but I don’t understand why you would blame yourself for not liking a movie. It’s a subjective experience; and if it didn’t work for you, it didn’t work for you.



It didn’t have the same kind of energy as Snatch and Lock Stock, I liked it but it was missing that certain something that made those films instant classics.

Maybe because it’s because the characters werent as likeable or memorable, Gerard Butler, whilst passable didn’t have the effortless charisma to be able to pull off his role and some parts of the film felt forced where has in Snatch and Lock Stock it just seemed to flow.


This movie was about high flying real estate, but it came out in 2008 when the Great Recession was plunking the movie paying audiences up the bum.


i believe, and i'm sure i am right, that Guy was heavily impressed by the success of Layer Cake and wanted to make 'his own version' of that kind of movie.

i think by attempting this, he divided his own attention, split his own focus (inadvertently). and the finished product was a kind of unsatisfying blend that Ritchie himself didn't realize at the time.
