Creature's Origin

**************POSSIBLEL SPOILER ALERT**********************

My main complaint is they never tell from where the creature came? Was it an alien life form, a biological experiment released into the open, or a mutation of nature? Our biologist "hero" never gave any theories on what it was, probably because he wasn't qualified anyway. Otherwise the movie was entertaining and better than some of the major sci-fi/horror movies being produced. If they decide to do a sequel, as was hinted at the end, I hope they bring in a character who will explain what the creature really is.


I really hope they don't... nothing ruins the horror and mystery of a good 'monster' than some lame explanation of its source "turning the bright lights on". I can't think of any way in which this film would be improved by having an explanation for it...


that is true, most good films of this genre are ruined by a plot-explaining sequel.


that is true, most good films of this genre are ruined by a plot-explaining sequel.

agreed, no need to explain everything.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


ooo my first post on IMDB. I think I have just submitted myself to endless replies to trolls......
Not implying you are at all...seriously I'm not!!

Anyway I watched this movie the other day and while it was nothing new it was still pretty cool. In terms of origins I noticed in the first few minutes the camera focused on a sign attached to a fence stating they were performing experiments with petroleum or oil. Something like that anyway before the camera panned across to the 4wd.

I could be wrong but I'm guessing they were hoping you would make the assumption that the creature came from some crazy experiment.


it's genetic mutation caused by the chemical hazard dumped by humans, much like 'Eight Legged Freaks' (love that movie) :p


At the beggining of the film, after that hick is killed by the splintered rabbit (?), the couple passes a sign that says something like "Oil Field Bio Hazard: Extreme Caution", and the sign lingers on the camera for more than a few seconds. I assume the splinter-cells came from here, becuase when the camera lingers like that, its trying to tell us something.

I have El Sonoma del Torra de Fiero Syndrome. Be happy you don't. Trust me.


You are right, Sonomadude. Thats the explanation.
Good film.


I agreed. It's a simple and efficient but obscure clue to the creature's origin.

The warning signpost says precisely :

Experimental extraction
/!\ Field Site /!\
Powering our community since [illisible year]."

No need to say more, it stays in the dark for more efficiency : each of us can make his own choices and theories. And that's far more fun ! Movies and other "storyteller" arts must fuel imagination and not surrogate it.


Experimental extraction

So maybe it was drawn up from deep underground like the organism in "Phantoms"?


Who the hell cares? How were they supposed to know? Somehow a mystic will turn up or

I'd rather die as a free man than live as a slave to the government.
some other stupid moron with an answer? Damn, I hate these posts.


I kept thinking that all that talk about how old the forest was, was supposed to foreshadow that the organism might have evolved or whatever from there.


neither of the people there are from the area, one is a biologist sure but it's an isolated incident how the hell would they have ANY ideas on what was the cause... plus in movies such as these you're supposed to leave your brain at the door ... horror doesn't need explanations just horror and more horror!!

"Forgiveness is between them and god; it's my job to arrange the meeting."


Why does this need to be explained? Would you rather have had some cheesy ass syfy channel explanation scene with colored water in beakers and big words that make no sense?

