MovieChat Forums > Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2010) Discussion > Why always a dog?? why not a cat???

Why always a dog?? why not a cat???

I know th hachiko's story was real, but...

I mean c'mon all the times the cats are the bad guys, and the dog its a heroe

the cat's are noble and friendly too!!!

I want to see a film with cats!!!!

Anyway, i like that movie, what do you think?


Cat can be very good companion but if to portray loyalty, it's always a dog.

Of course, once a while there's has to be a loyal cat, but I don't know, I never heard much story about loyal cat.


Actually, my sister owns one of those loyal cats.

She rescued her from dying, she was walking and heard her meowing, Emily (the cat) was skin, very little fur, and bones, and too weak to even stand up. So my sister picked her up, brought her home, fed her, and then we took her to a friend who's a vet, to get her shots and dewormed and everything. Emily is now at least 1 year old, pretty fat, lol, and yes, she comes and goes as she pleases.

But let me tell you, my sister leaves for work at 7 am, and comes back from school around 10 pm, the cat is almost always outside, and by 9:30 pm waiting outside our door, and as soon as my sister comes in, Emily comes in as well. My bedroom window faces the street, so Emily sometimes comes and sits by the window, and as soon as she sees my sister's car pull up, she leaves my room and runs to the door.

My sister once went away for the weekend, Emily spent most of the 1st day meowing and the 2nd day asleep by my window, and when my sister's car pulled up that night, she ran like hell to the door.

My sister got pregnant and everyone told her to get rid of the cat, that it would hurt the baby, but actually Emily is very protective of my nephew, whenever I take him to the park, she follows us, and never jumps in his crib or does anything to hurt him, he's pulled her tail and fur (he's still pretty young) and she has never once scratched or bit him.

I usually don't like cats, I think they're selfish and mean. But maybe since my sister rescued Emily personally... I still have no explanation as to why the cat loves her so freakin' much. But it's restored my faith in cats, at least some of them. I wouldn't get a cat, but I don't dislike them as much anymore.



Don't know of any cat that would go to the train station every day to wait for someone.


Yes, you are soo right. Its always dogs, and if you do have cats in a movie they always play a nasty role.

I would also love to see a film where a cat plays the main character. Cats can be also very affectionate, depends on the cat really.


I think it's because cats are such independent creatures, it's true they'll come back for food, but nevertheless, like the family of big cats (lions, tigers and others) that they belong to, they are predators, born to ambush prey which most are skillful at. I have four cats, two are males and sometimes they disappear for days and will come back looking none the worse for it.
They are affectionate too, but they give me the feeling it's only when the mood strikes them, or when they are currying for some more of their specially favored food.

Dogs are more dependent on their owners for food, for affection and appreciation, for caring such as their daily walks and regular baths, vitamins and visits to the vet. Somehow dogs can sense how much their owner care for them, and returns it with unconditional loyalty and their own brand of love.

Cats, in general, are quite different creatures altogether. I know of a neighbor who feeds a cat daily, three times a day. It's not her own, it's nobody's. It just appeared at her door when it was still young, still some months before being fully grown. It still does at present, without fail during meal times and then promptly disappears. The neighbor tried to lure it inside her house quite a few times, with the intention of adopting it as a pet, but it would only smell around the furniture for a bit of time and would then leave. The cat looks healthy, and the neighbor is quite content with their routine even though the cat would not reciprocate her devotion.

Truth inexorably,inscrutably seeks and reveals Itself into the Light.



Agree with you when you said that the reason cats don't share the same bond with humans as dogs is that cats are independent creatures. Unlike a dog, they will leave your home several times a day and come back when they feel like and no matter how much you love them, they don't reciprocate it 10 times over like a dog. Atleast that's my experience. You know when you have a dog you get that feeling you are truly loved and that you have someone who will always stick by you through thick or thin but you don't get that with a cat.

But I don't agree with the part where you tried to reason it by saying cats are predators like tigers. In that case we know dogs come from the wolf family and they are predators too. A dog's undying love and affection for his master has nothing to do predatory instinct or lack thereof.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklin


I was going to comment on this ridiculous post until I read your comment. You responded perfectly.


In the world where people think that dialogue means others listening to them, where people accept critics as long as they don't say anything but applaud, when being a friend is supposed to mean never say anything disturbing, it is normal that a dog type of character is favorable: cats have a personality, and, same as for humans, this is something very undesirable for animals as well.

You say that cats are independent, as if it was a bad thing, but it's nothing unusual for a world where humans, groups or even nations are not supposed to want something so unsuitable as independence. And personality is also something that is supposed to vanish, because personality is often dangerously connected with free spirit and unwashed brains, something that doesn't fit in the world which needs only people willing to spend life watching satellite TV and visit supermarkets.

However, as for cats and dogs, this discussion will soon be outdated itself. Talking to specimens of new generations, I find the number of them inversely proportional with their age who say that they love neither cats nor dogs. Obviously, even dogs have too much personality to fit their standards. But they will surely be offered a pet with an adequate quantity of personality: a robot.


Because Cats are selfish mean creatures who only "love" those who feed them and worship them.

"Nothings gonna change my world!"


I guess they take after humans.


I heard several stories of cats who where left by their owners or disappeared and reappeared after many years
For example, I found this
I hardly doubt someone could be interested in making a film from that and that someone could be interested in watching it, too, though!

I'm Winston Wolf, I solve problems

And no dream is ever... just a dream...


did you even read the article? The cat ran away, it didn't care about its owner or family at all. It just happened to get caught ten years later after doing its own thing and some shelter reunited them because it was microchipped. How would that make a good story at all?


I do cat rescue and I love cats so much. But, I have to say that there is nothing like the love of a dog. Cats are not loyal like that. I don't really think a cat can truly love a human being like a dog does. And this is coming from a cat lady.

I have two cats of which I adore with every ounce of my soul but the love is unrequieted. It's sad. I wish I could have a dog, but my living arrangement would not allow it.


LJA, first thanks for doing cat rescue. there's a special spot in heaven waiting for you. from my experience, dogs and cats both have special bonds with humans - and each other. our female G.Shepherd lived 14 years and was a wise guardian for our kids. she loved them like pups. if they got sick, then she slept with them. our cats, live 17 and 15 years. one came to us as a 4 week old. my kids were young and treated him like a doll. the cat became a dog, almost barking when strangers came over and caring for our kids. the other a female came to us at age 2 years. she stayed away from me, almost antagonistic, until I had my knee scoped. I was in great pain waiting for my wife to come with the drugs and the cat jumped on the bed and nestled under my left arm - out of the blue. slowly she became my cat more so than the kids or the wife. She has warned us of earthquakes before they hit and a loose hose on the washer. An amazing cat. So, I'll take dogs, cats, birds, etc - God's little gifts to us.



I am sure you are a very loving person........ ur post was cute.


jake-ryan, I loved reading your post. I agree with you that those who volunteer with pet rescue have a special place in heaven because I believe God expects us to be kind and compassionate and love the creatures He created. I also have both indoor dogs and cats. The cat you speak of makes me think of my cat, Sunny, who thinks he is a dog lol.

I'm an automatic steeple for depressed and lonely people. ~ Blue October


You are correct, actually there was a PBS funded documentary analyzing the bond between humans and dogs and where it came from that came out less than year ago that actually found dogs (besides humans obviously) are the most emotionally (that is too broad, but I don't remember the technical term for this type of intelligence) advanced creatures on the planet - even more so than other primates. Dogs were the only species (once again, even tested primates) that were able to take visual cues from humans such as eye movement, nuanced glances, etc and were able to complete the task without looking at anything but the human control subject's eyes.
In this same documentary (I think it might've had NOVA in the title??) they found that a dog's brain releases Oxytocin, the same neurotransmitter responsible for the "love feeling" between 2 humans, for example concentrations are off the charts in a woman's blood after she gives birth to promote bonding, during loving interactions (massaging, laying together, etc) with their human masters (not with random people though). They tested various other animals, including felines, and were unable to even come close to replicating these results. Also, wild (non-domestic) dogs, foxes, and wolves were not able to perform any of these interpersonal feats either. I just thought that was amazing and figured you all might appreciate that since we're talking about the human-animal bond. Also, just for the record, I love cats as much as dogs, I'm a 29 y/o doctor with a full social life but was raised by parents who volunteered at animal shelters which made a mark on me while young so I take the time out of my schedule everyday to care for all the neighborhood cats in my urban apartment complex - feeding, T&R spaying, huts for winter, etc - so I don't want this to come across as dog-biased either, it's just fact.
One more random note, in that documentary they also found that no matter what, a wolf cannot be tamed even if it is raised from day 1 with other dogs and human interaction every day. Also, they found if you breed wild foxes for traits similar to domestic dogs (friendliness, ability to be trained, lack of aggression, etc) they actually start to look alot more like dogs (non-pointed ears, lighter coloring, straighter tail, etc) showing that modern domestic dogs actually came most likely from wild foxes and that the personality traits are linked directly to physical ones. Ok not sure why I typed that all out but I hope you guys enjoyed it haha!!


One more random note, in that documentary they also found that no matter what, a wolf cannot be tamed even if it is raised from day 1 with other dogs and human interaction every day. Also, they found if you breed wild foxes for traits similar to domestic dogs (friendliness, ability to be trained, lack of aggression, etc) they actually start to look alot more like dogs (non-pointed ears, lighter coloring, straighter tail, etc) showing that modern domestic dogs actually came most likely from wild foxes and that the personality traits are linked directly to physical ones.
I enjoyed reading your post. Thank you! This was especially interesting :) I wish I could find the documentary to watch. Sounds like something I would enjoy.

I'm an automatic steeple for depressed and lonely people. ~ Blue October


Because many cats are obnoxious and only hear what they want to hear. Plus, it's a known fact that cats re more difficult to train and get 'spooked' easily. If they don't like to want to do something, they won't do it again.

But the most important thing, it's a true story! So it's gotta be a dog.


I heard several stories of cats who where left by their owners or disappeared and reappeared after many years
I have also read several cases like that. I think that's a wonderful point.

I'm an automatic steeple for depressed and lonely people. ~ Blue October


Yes I know...that's why it's my intention to make a movie someday about my own cat... :0)


There is going to be a movie about a cat that is found by a librarian in the book drop off. It's called "Dewey" and was based on the book by Vicki Myron. Meryl Streep will star in it.


"The Three lives of Thomasina" (Disney 1964) Great cat movie, heartbreaking at times.
"That Darn Cat" (Disney 1965 & remade 1997) Not a sad movie, but the cat's the hero!


there's also Disney's Aristocats and Warner Bros Gay Purr-ee ( about french cats) .. those are animated though..


Disney's Aristocats
^^Cutest Movie Ever^^

I'm an automatic steeple for depressed and lonely people. ~ Blue October


If you know Akitas, then you know they do have similarities to cats - they are aloof with strangers, they don't do tricks. But with their family, you can just see the joy exude from them - simply being together.


Sounds alot like Malamutes ... No way they are going to fetch a ball. They just look at you like "So why do you want me to get that? But it'd be fun watching you get it ..."

I love that about them. They're not going to do dumb things just for our entertainment. But a more loyal, intelligent and friendly companion you could not find.

"Everything is safe till it goes wrong" - Joe Simpson, "Touching the Void" - book only.


Somewhat unrelated, but my older dog is half (Japanese) Akita half Malamute. Takes after the Akita looks, but has a more of a Malamute build.


Um...what??? No disrespect Chikaloka BUT your contribution to this incredibly miraculous & severly emotional TRUE story is "..why not a cat???"..really thats it?
This is not a "dog & cat competition"...if cats are your preference thats good for you BUT realistically speaking cats are nowhere near as genuine,useful,intellegent & loyal as dogs are (& if they can be they sure don't show it!)...thats why there will always be incredible true tales of dogs & cats would always HAVE to take a back seat!
Hachicko A Dog's Story was probably the most touching story I've ever seen on film.As a manly man I've NEVER cried for the even the saddest of films.. my eyes have filled up with water before for certain movies but never did a single tear slip out!
THIS movie actually made me shed tears! I found out about this story after watching Dogs 101's episode on Akitas on Animal Planet last year(I cried for that too!)& even me knowing what the whole story was about before hand could'nt stop the tears from coming out.
This movie & also the actual story was truly phenomenal & sorry but your contribution just comes across as kind of insensitive as well as totally irrelevant to me.


I mean c'mon all the times the cats are the bad guys, and the dog its a heroe

the cat's are noble and friendly too!!!

I want to see a film with cats!!!!

The OP is kidding right??? Right??

Why can't a cockroach be the hero?? They are always portrayed as being nasty and dirty and the dog is the hero. Are you serious?? It is because they are different animals, dogs are loyal and loving and caring and playful. Cats are not, and it has nothing to do with antagonism, they are the way they are because of their nature, their instinct.

Cats are independent, and while you called them "friendly" I beg to differ, I've never seen a cat return an affectionate gesture, they take yours (ONLY when they are in the mood) and play with things around your house but they don't feel the need to be around their owners or show any kind of gratitude. And it has absolutely nothing to do with them being “bad guys”.

I didn’t mean to come off as a prick, well I think I did, sorry about that, I hope I answered your question. And all of this comes from someone who likes cats better than dogs.


Because cats suck.


thank you for saying it out loud


You said what I was thinking when I saw this posting.


That's a big lie, i used to have a cat who came to my house one night in a middle of a storm, im sure that this cat belonged to someone else because he was in good condition in all senses, but anyway i gave him shelter for that night, but he never leave my house again.

He used to go out all nights and returned in the morning until the last day of his life, he died poisoned, and in his last minutes of life he strugle to come back to my house, but he only reached the garden in where he died. i was a very bad master to him, i were at college those days, and i was a little irresponsable with him, sometimes i forgot to feed him, but he always returned to my lap searching for my care.

Cats and dogs had their own ways to express his love, yes cats are more independent, but that doesn't make them selfish, its just that they choose who to love, and how to do it

PS. Sorry for my bad english


Cats and dogs had their own ways to express his love
I think this sums it up nicely. Cats love their humans just as much as dogs love them. But most express this love in different ways.

I'm an automatic steeple for depressed and lonely people. ~ Blue October

