I watched the short of this - I guess it was about 10-15 minutes and NO WAY IN HELL could I watch the movie - any movie where a dog dies is OFF LIMITS for me. There is no human being on the planet that I love as much as I love my 14 year old Ranger.... I have to focus on spending as much time of every day as possible loving him, talking to him, brushing him - as our time is limited and the pain? can't even imagine it - so loving him will be my sole solace. For those of you wondering - I watched two angels come take Ranger's brother Puddles - saw them as clearly as I see the screen I am reading - stood waiting on his spirit? essence? soul? I don't know then one on either side they LITERALLY escorted him through a wall at the vet's office - his head tilted to the side to look up at one of them and his tail started to wag - he never once looked back - so whatever is over there - who ever is over there Puddles is there - whether God allows us to remember certain things I don't know but I DO KNOW where they go - or at least how they get there -- it is some comfort as I too am facing the end. I don't want to preface anything with IF as I do believe there is a hereafter - but for those of you who don't - rest assured that if there is, your beloved pet waits for you there - playing in endless green fields, no more aching old bones, no more cancer eating their little bodies away, no more pain or suffering - be joyful for them