I Totally Lost It When....

Hachi finally passes away and it shows him being reunited with Parker. I just recently lost my dog this past year that I had for 12 long, great years. I don't know, I guess it just had me thinking that I hope something like that happens in whatever afterlife there may be after I die. That I will be reunited with my Brownie dog.

"Now the whole world's gonna know that you died scratching my balls!" ~James Bond (Casino Royale)~


I was a little teary through most of the movie, after Parker dies, and Hachi continues to go to the train station every day... but for me, watching him on the day Cate goes to the tombstone and asks if Ken can believe it has been 10 years... and there's Hachi, walking to his spot, so slowly, so old, probably arthritic, but as loyal and devoted as ever... that was when I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

I knew the story before watching the movie... but seeing this very well done rendition just makes it all so much more real. I would endeavor to have anyone in my life as loyal as that dog.


I watched this film not knowing too much about it last night, I was a mess by the time the credits rolled, thought it was way sadder than Marley & Me utterly heartbreaking!!


After hearing about the story a while ago, I decided to finally see the movie. I was a fountain at the end of it and can't help but think of the little dog wandering about a dark train station. I absolutely loved this movie. Hopefully we can all reunite with our beloved pets in Heaven. I miss my little bud Kobe!


I watched the short of this - I guess it was about 10-15 minutes and NO WAY IN HELL could I watch the movie - any movie where a dog dies is OFF LIMITS for me. There is no human being on the planet that I love as much as I love my 14 year old Ranger.... I have to focus on spending as much time of every day as possible loving him, talking to him, brushing him - as our time is limited and the pain? can't even imagine it - so loving him will be my sole solace. For those of you wondering - I watched two angels come take Ranger's brother Puddles - saw them as clearly as I see the screen I am reading - stood waiting on his spirit? essence? soul? I don't know then one on either side they LITERALLY escorted him through a wall at the vet's office - his head tilted to the side to look up at one of them and his tail started to wag - he never once looked back - so whatever is over there - who ever is over there Puddles is there - whether God allows us to remember certain things I don't know but I DO KNOW where they go - or at least how they get there -- it is some comfort as I too am facing the end. I don't want to preface anything with IF as I do believe there is a hereafter - but for those of you who don't - rest assured that if there is, your beloved pet waits for you there - playing in endless green fields, no more aching old bones, no more cancer eating their little bodies away, no more pain or suffering - be joyful for them


when dog passed showing memories with his man and was completely lost when showed that he waited for 10 years along with real pic of akitas ....



My moment was when the wife (widow) finds Hachi at the train station after so many years realizing he is still waiting.. cried like a friggin baby.


Pretty much.


I really cried at that bit, I think this is the movie that made me cry the most
