MovieChat Forums > Death Proof (2007) Discussion > As a Tarantino fan: what mindset do I ne...

As a Tarantino fan: what mindset do I need to like this film?

Ok, so Quentin is surely one of my top 5 favorite directors and I like or love all of his movies - except this one for some reason. Here's my ranking little quick:

INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS - 10 (in my personal top 10)
KILL BILL 1+2 - 8

I've been wanting to give DEATH PROOF another chance for quite some time now. I've only seen it once when it was rather new and I totally didn't understand the point of it. To me, it felt like nothing was going on and there was just a bunch of pretty annoying girls that talk about very little. Kurt Russel was cool but other than that, I really didn't like anything in particular as far as I remember. While I usually love Tarantinos cleverly written, dialogue-heavy style, I didn't feel the magic of PULP FICTION or the incredible suspense of INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS in this dialogue at all. It was just, well, bland people talking about bland stuff. But there must be more than that. Tarantino is just such a passionate guy and he puts so much effort in his movies that I can't believe he was just lazy with the dialogue here. No way.

I do not want to bash this movie in any way. As mentioned, I've only seen it once and want to try it ot again now. But I feel I need a little help to really get it. So here are two questions that hopefully fans of the film might be able to answer.

I've heard numerous times that DETAH PROOF is an homage to old B-movies. Personally, I like to watch those quite a bit, especially cheap Sci-Fi flicks from the 80s or very trashy stuff like MIAMI CONNECTION, SAMURAI COP or MANOS, THE HANDS OF FATE. But I've never felt that B-movies of that kind were about bland characters talking endlessly - at least not the ones I've seen. To me it seems - on the contrary - that b-movies use to have very little or just functional dialoge and focus more on action or special effects (horror flicks I mean). So what exactly is the homage here? Is there some connection to some other kind of "B-movie-genre" that I just fail to get?

Do I need to watch DETAH PROOF as a part of GRINDHOUSE or does it work just as well as a stand alone? To be honest, I don't really have much interest in watching PLANET TERROR - or in anything that Rodriguez has done since SIN CITY really. And I think the DEATH PROOF versions are different from one another right? So how should I approach my second viewing?

I would be very glad to get some useful answers. Again, I WANT to like the movie but when I watched it a couple years back, I just didn't.


I totally agree with your ratings. Didn't like Django at all and Jackie Brown was boring.

But then again, Tarantino is one of Hollywood's biggest douchebags and he shows it totally in Death Proof. The constant "powerful in your face black woman"-routine with close ups of their feet or some other disgusting fetish he might have for the actresses.

I like a lot of his movies, but some times he makes a movie that just reminds what a creepy douche that is behind the camera.


But then again, Tarantino is one of Hollywood's biggest douchebags and he shows it totally in Death Proof. The constant "powerful in your face black woman"-routine with close ups of their feet or some other disgusting fetish he might have for the actresses.
You're complaining about strong female characters and judging his fetish as "disgusting" and he's the douchebag?

"In this scene, you will gargle with mouthwash! And...action!" 


The movie is subversive and "modern". It deals in gender roles and horror tropes. It is to horror films and grindhouse features what Inglourious Basterds was to nationalistic propaganda films. With any auteur's movies it helps to see the film as it's own moral universe. It makes it much more interesting to ask yourself questions like; "why does the 1st group of women get punished, but the 2nd group do the punishing"?


If you're tired of the typical Hollywood car chase scene, this movie gives a lot of satisfaction, don't need to try having a different mindset.

You can't like every movie, but I personally loved Death Proof for the soundtrack, the authentic car chase scene, the awesome editing by Sally Menke (R.I.P.).

The movie is definitely different, I understand why some people might not like it.


If you really liked Inglourious Basterds, then your opinion is worth nothing.

The mindset you need to enjoy this is being able to sit through long incredibly boring sequences of uninteresting women talking briefly punctuated by interesting and cool parts with Russell.

Again, if you liked that Jew trash movie, then you are an idiot and a cuck.


the dialogue is great, like notably especially great. honestly if you don't get that, it's probably like not getting a joke, you can't really do anything to make the joke funny, you just didn't get it.

you probably just need to watch more movies.


Django Unchained is far far better than any of those others you listed in my opinion.


This one is the fun one! LOT'S of nice lookin' gals & cool cars! What more could a monkey ask for?!

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You've got to be in the mood for a LOT of Tarantino dialogue, i.e., the female characters who talk ALLL film long (save for the great car crash in act 1 and car chase in act II) sound just like QT, only coming from female mouths. Never believed for a minute that friends talk like this to each other but others may and that might make the film watchable. For me, easily QT's worst (4*).

"The problem with quotes from the internet is that many of them are just made up" Abraham Lincoln


I enjoyed thoroughly the movie. I thought the dialogue and everything to be good and interesting. I guess it could be though that not everyone gets it. But I loved the relationships and power dynamics between all the characters. The way they talked, what they talked about, it felt captivating and as if I was told about human nature in a rawish manner. I feel like human nature is often overlooked when storytelling nowadays. I felt it to be full of emotion and it made me imagine what it would be like to be in those situations myself. It didn't feel fake as most movies do.
