I like the series enough. Story seems ok and the production budget is decent (if not extravagant like LOTR and House of Dragon), but one little thing that takes me out of the movie is Elora’s sweater. It doesn’t look very typical of a fantasy movie and could’ve been purchased at the mall or department store. Is it just me??
For someone that hates this show you sure spend a lot of time browsing around. Man, you’re more obsessed with this how than I am. How flattering of the directors that you think so much of the show to be posting comment after comment here.
I'm really not. I just had the tab with this thread opened on my browser for the last several days so that I could see if I have any notifications, and respond to them. And when I do respond, out of curiosity, I checked out some of the other threads.
Just a simple confluence of opportunity, curiosity, and boredom.
I have a tab open with my notifications. Every couple hours when I notice it, I refresh, and see if there are any responses to my posts. How are you not understanding this?
I'm starting to get the impression that I'm speaking to a waterhead. Is that what is happening here Telmarine? Say it isn't so.
You must not be all there. *I* originated this thread. So the only way you get a notification is if I’m responding BACK to a response in my thread. You responded first. So I’m responding back. Hence the notification. So yes, you’re proactively obsessing with this movie and replying to threads. And even if you were just replying to responses, that would mean that you were an original poster to a thread about a movie that you supposedly hate but are obsessed over.
Say what homie?
Let me explain for the slow-witted:
When you sign in to this site, you can then click on notifications. When you click on notifications, you see if someone responded to any of your comments, on any thread. You following me so far? I know this is difficult, but try to keep up.
I have the moviechat notification tab open, among dozens of other tabs that are not moviechat, and every once in a while, I notice that tab and I click on the tab. Now pay attention, this is the important part: I then click refresh, and can you guess what happens next?
And then I can see every response, from every person, on any and every thread.
You think you got all that?
Come on! Think McFly, Think!
That doesn’t change the fact that you are following a movie that you supposedly don’t like. If you really didn’t care for it you wouldn’t even comment on it. Yet you are obsessed over it. You sound like such a loser that can’t admit you were wrong.
Ok, first it's not a movie, it's a TV show. Second, I'm not following the TV show, I'm responding to people who just happen to be in this thread. I'm only here because you and another tard are constantly responding.
This is not the only thread I'm on. I posted on many other threads and am talking to people on those threads as well.
Why is this so difficult for you to understand ? Am I not speaking English? Is English your second language or something?
It obviously not your first language since you don’t seem to grasp the concept of responding to threads of shows you claim you aren’t interested in. If you really don’t care then ignore it. But I guess the topic interests you too much.
Seems like logic and critical thinking are not your thing. I can be uninterested in the show, but still be interested in having conversations that are tangentially related to the show. For instance, in these threads I'm having a conversation about wokeness in the media in general. This show was simply a springboard for that conversation since the show is a perfect example of what I'm talking about when I'm criticizing the current state of media. Once the conversation started and moved beyond just this one TV show, what were we all supposed to do, go to another site to continue the conversation?
I mean, is this really so difficult for you to figure out on your own? Why do I have to spell this all out for you? And even when I do, you still have difficulty understanding.
Look, I'm not going to assume that you're a rеtаrd, so all I will say is please pay attention to what I'm saying, and take a moment to think things through before you post, otherwise we are just going in circles and wasting each other's time
Sorry. Things aren’t going to change. Accurate representation is here to stay. Stop being such a snowflake and learn to share the ball at the playground.
Why am I a snowflake for simply having a different taste. It is revolting to me. Do you thing it's reasonable for me to be forced to accept something that I don't like? The answer is no. I am allergic to Woke SJW zealots imposing their worldview on me. And I WILL punish them for it. What they don't seem to understand is that there are many people who feel the same way as I do. Right now we're only complaining, but if it doesn't stop many of us will take this up to the next level. You already see politicians like DeSantis emerging from this Woke environment willing to go after the woke mob and use the power of the state to do it. DeSantis is a proto-fascist. If he doesn't succeed in purging these Wokies from the culture, then an actual fascist will rise to power in the next decade. When that happens the wokerati will wish they had stayed in the shadows. They will be removed from society by force. By people who will show no mercy.
You don’t have to accept it. Just don’t watch it. Duh. I don’t go watching shows that I don’t like. Simple as that. There are movies that I thought were ass like American Sniper, so I just ignored them rather than hang around a message board like a weirdo.
If this was pre 2015, your advise would be sound. That is exactly the way it used to be. There was something for everyone, and if you didn't like something, then you didn't watch it. You watched something else that catered to your taste.
But that is the problem today, that is why I'm upset and complaining; The forced diversity and woke tropes are being shoehorned into everything. It's becoming more and more difficult to find something that isn't poisoned by it. All I want is true diversity, where you have something for everyone. I want woke shows with Alphabet people and Girl Boss feminists, and I want shows with lily white cis heterosexual casts that don't mention feminism or any other woke progressive ideas. But these people don't want that. They must have it all, because anything that doesn't conform to their ideology is bad, racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, etc...
They don't respect any other perspective or world view. To them, their world view is the only morally acceptable one. To me this is intolerable, so I'll continue to hang around these message boards (like a weirdo), and advocate for woke people to be identified by an advanced AI system that combs through the internet, and uses that information, along with facial recognition, to send Predator drones where ever they are located, and lobs cruise missiles at them, obliterating them where they stand.
I know what you're thinking; "Doesn't this violate human rights ?" The answer is No. You see in order to violate someone's human rights they must be human first, but since the Wokerati are subhuman, they don't actually count as human beings. Therefore it is perfectly okay to use Predator drones to vaporize them.
Wow it must suck to be so brainwashed. It’s not all political you know. Get out of your echo chamber. You will be a happier person and not so bitter all the time. I guarantee it.
The echo chamber I'm in, to the extent that I am in one, is a left wing echo chamber. I am a left wing socialist, so pretty much everyone and everything I listen to, is left wing. In this sense, this has nothing to do with politics. It has to do with the culture. I don't like contemporary culture. I don't want to see quееrѕ and trannies being represented in everything. I don't want to see anymore girl boss dуkеѕ. I don't want to see anymore interracial couples or tokens. And I definitely don't want to see the denigration of straight white male characters, who are constantly pushed into the background so that they could elevate some quееr dуkе girl boss POC. Slaaaaay Kweeeeeen!!!!!!!!
I'm not interested in seeing everything looking like a rainbow flag. I would like to burn it down. When that happens, then I'll be a happier person.
You're very welcome, but not quite. https://youtu.be/78ICiQKdO-Q?t=15
Whenever I get called a bigot by a simple minded Wokester I wear it like a badge of honor.
I don't know which country you're talking about, but I hope it's not the US. This country (US) is most certainly not woke. Most of the country can't stand woke dеgеnеrаtеs. Sure, a portion of the left is infected by a minority of woke dеgеnеrаtе rеtаrds, and their voices are amplified by the media, but they are a minority nonetheless. And as for the left, I can tell you that as a card carrying far left socialist, I do not tolerate any woke rеtаrdаtіоn in my circles. Any group and organization I am a part of, or work with, if I so much as smell the stench of any wokeness anywhere inside them, I come crashing down on the unfortunate Wokie's head like a fuсkіng tsunami. I turn the group against them and have them expelled from our presence. Anyone who mentions "white privilege", "cultural appropriation", "intersectional feminism", or tries to convince you that a delusional biological male in a dress is a woman, will know the full extent of my wrath. The real left (socialists) are about class not identity politics.
Wokeness is cancer
Every wоkе rеtаrd should drink a bottle of bleach.
Go to therapy. This woke subject is obviously another obsession of yours. Yes I’m in the US. It’s all you ever talk about. And despite your claims that isn’t the US, the facts aren’t in your favor.
The facts are very much in my favor. The only reason you don't know that is because you are propagandized by the media, or maybe you're in academia (an institution infested with that ideology).
Maybe the reason I talk about it so much is because I'm constantly being subjected to this ideology every time I want to watch a movie or a TV show. And since TV shows and films are my passion, you could see how something as trivial as wokeness could become the bane of my existence. You call it an obsession, I call it a passionate defense of our culture.
As for therapy... Terminating woke rеtаrds is a form of therapy.
The facts are definitely not in your favor. In case you don’t know generation Z is the most diverse population and it’s not only more representative, but it also is in the financial interest of companies to cater to that growing demographic. You have the ability to have your own opinion, but you’re not entitled to fabricate your own facts. Sorry.
People can vote with their wallets. If you don’t like something then DONT watch it!! You don’t see me watching Fox! There is room for many different viewpoints in media. Way to want to control other people and what content should be out there. This is a capitalist country. If what you said was true, it would bear that out financially. It hasn’t.
I wish it was that simple. If I don't like something I don't watch it. The problem is that if everything is woke and I don't want to see wokeness, then I will be shit out of luck; I won't have anything to watch. And since TV shows and movies are my passion, then it's a problem. So I'm advocating for shows not to be woke, so at least I have some choice in what I watch.
Surely you're not against choice, are you?
There is room for many different viewpoints in media.
That's what I want, but since the Wokerati have taken over the media, and they are deranged woke zealots, no different than a fundamentalist Christian, they feel the need to impose their viewpoint onto everyone. And because they are dogmatic, they don't consider any other viewpoint as legitimate.
This is a capitalist country.
It shouldn't be a capitalist country. Capitalism is a failed system.
...If what you said was true, it would bear that out financially. It hasn’t.
I'm sure if you google it, you'll find plenty of sources to back up my claims. But even in that article they pointed out that woke media is failing, like for example the recent cancellation of the Batgirl movie. It was scraped before it came out, even though the movie was finished. The new boss of HBO Max is anti-woke, and decided that they are going to go in a different direction.
So the scraping of Batgirl is a fact, not an opinion. And that article has plenty of other facts too.
Cancellation nay be due to just tightening budgets in streaming in general.
There are such things as both good and bad movies. That is not “proof”. It also doesn’t explain the success of films like Avatar and Black Panther. And BTW is this all you do all day?! Just sit around and read message boards. It seems no matter how late I check this (a day or weeks later) you always immediately respond. It would do you good to not obsess over this all the time.
I like this site. I work on the computer, and I have the tab to this page open. So when ever I notice it, I refresh and see if there are any notifications. If someone responds, I respond. It's not an obsession, I just like to argue with people.
I haven't seen Avatar 2 (I'm assuming you're talking about part 2), not even a trailer, so I can't comment about whether it's woke or not. I haven't seen Black Panther either, but from the trailers, it does look pretty woke. I don't know why it's so successful, maybe because it's a superhero movie, and for some reason people are into superhero movies. It's an exception to the rule.
If a woke movie is really good, people are willing to overlook the wokeness. Also, some people hate-watch woke movies, so it may be financially successful, but people might still give it bad reviews.
Yea well many of those movies are well reviewed, although many good films are review bombed. RT has combatted that by verifying box office films by making sure you did buy a ticket for it.
The reviews by the so called critics, are completely worthless. They are all payed to write good reviews. They are all also woke. Whenever there is a woke movie the critics score is almost always in the 90s, while the audience score is in the 40's. You see this al the time. Reviews and scores by critics should be ignored.
You sound like a MAGA hat and an idiot. Where is the proof they are getting paid? The truth is that some movies and good and some are bad. It’s not all some conspiracy. Open your eyes and stop being an idiot. There are both high and low rated diverse films.
You sound like a simple minded dunce with subpar reading comprehension skills.
It is known that the critics get early access to things, get freebies, or are invited to special events. They don't need to be paid in cash in order to be corrupted. It doesn't have to be some conspiracy, it can just be a natural bias.
If your friends are making a movie and you're a critic, you will likely be more generous with your review than if you were critiquing a movie from a director that you don't like.
You’re the one that sounds like a simple minded idiot. just because someone doesn’t agree with you. Someone spoiled you when you were little. Guess what? It’s not all about you. Not everyone will agree with you. Get it over crybaby.
Not everyone has to agree with me.
Like any other advocate, I'm on a mission to reshape reality. And why shouldn't I be? After all, there are plenty of people out there who share my views.
Yes, but some people have power to reshape reality in their image. If the people in power happen to be people I don't like and a reality I don't like, then my duty is to advocate for change. To upend the status quo, and reshape the world in my image.
I want the industry to change and hire the kind of writers that produce the kind of movies I like.
Right now the entertainment industry is controlled by people whose ideology I don't like, and they produce media that I don't like. Therefore I want to purge them from the industry and roll it back to the way it was before they poisoned it. If that happens than there will be more movies that I like and can support.
You can’t “purge” movies you don’t like. That’s u realistic. This is a capitalist country. Fro better or for worse, money talks. Support the movies you like. That’s all you can realistically do.
You can’t “purge” movies you don’t like. That’s u realistic. This is a capitalist country. Fro better or for worse, money talks. Support the movies you like. That’s all you can realistically do.
I don't want to purge movies I don't like, rather, I want to purge the people from the entertainment industry that make movies I don't like. By doing so, I can make the movies I don't like less mainstream, and have the mainstream produce the kind of movies that I do like. This is the way it used to be, and I would like to roll it back to that.
And as for capitalism, maybe it shouldn't be a capitalist country. Capitalism is a failed system.
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That green thing is weird. It's sort of a combination shawl and sweater, where it goes over the body and long bits wrap around the body when more warmth is needed. It's not a historical garment, it's something the wardrobe people made up to make her look humbler and more vulnerable than the other characters, as they've all got warm fur and leather, and she's got this hand-knitted thing.