No, you are right, it's not that he's that right wing, it's just that a long time ago he was completely apolitical. You would have never guessed that he is right wing at all. He sounded like your average liberal. Once in a while he would let it slip that he is a libertarian, but, yeah eventually he moved further to the right, and became more vocal about politics. I think it's not so much that he's right wing, but that he's so hostile to, and ignorant of, socialists/socialsim (and communism too), and me being a socialist, you see how I would take that personally. Also it bothers me that he criticizes all these corporations and doesn't seem to realize that his ideology -- right wing libertariansim is what leads to Neo-liberalism (Corporatism) -- the very thing he hates. So he's defending in one breath, the very thing that he complains about in another. But yeah his past is pretty interesting; Childhood trauma, homelessness, substance abuse, owning his own business, and now having one of the biggest entertainment channels on YouTube and being a minor celebrity. It's quite the life.
Anyways, I totally hear you on Star Trek and Star Wars, and I can see how channels like Nerdrotic can be cathartic to listen to with respect to those franchises. Like I said, despite him being annoying sometimes, I still watch an a occasional video from him. Recently I had to watch some of his videos trashing The Rings of Power. That show was so atrocious that it was cathartic for me to hear Nerdrotic destroy it.