It's a shame Hollywood makes Iran and the people of Iran look like such an ugly psychotic country when it is in fact a very beautiful country. Obviously the political regime there is currently not ideal, but does that give Hollywood and the media the right to make movies stereotyping all of the people in a country as evil and ugly?
Hollywood and the media are controlled by a certain group of "people" with their own agenda. Why else do you think this film won? They intend to keep Iran's image as an ugly destitute post apocalyptic wasteland. Films like these are completely unfair. It is one of the oldest cultures in the world. It has a rich history, poetry, art, some of the most amazing and unique foods, and some of the most exotic and BEAUTIFUL women in the world. I forgot did I say BEAUTIFUL women?!
When they show you these films and images in the media they attempt to show destitute streets with belligerent men in Islamic clothing. Notice that they ALWAYS show Iran as overcast. In any movie or news presentation they ensure it is overcast. Iran is NOT overcast. It is a subtropical climate lol. There is vast agriculture growing there constantly: vineyards, citrus fruits, roses! I wonder why they always choose to use images when it is overcast lol? Hmmm. They don't show you the real people, the incredible sunny mountainous backgrounds with green hills, the beautiful ancient architecture, silk rugs, natural Persian beauties. No they show you overcast beat down streets with men screaming and , of course, guns.
People in Iran are not Arabs and they do not speak Arabic. The speak Farsi. Farsi is a very beautiful language unique to Iran. Have you ever met a Persian person? All of the Persian people I know are usually well educated sweet ,peaceful people. They have excellent education in Iran. They are not a third world country. My ex girlfriend is a little nutty, but all Persian women are lol.
There is a young generation of Persians in Iran just waiting to be a part of the western world. There are forces against them here in America. I urge you to do your own research. See how beautiful of a country it is. Don't just read the news headlines for this search. We all know who controls the media. The same group of people who control Hollywood and the academies.
Yes, since this stereotype was reasonably representative of the evil Iranian people.
Yes, Iran is an ancient country with several things to offer the world. But as a whole, it is a terrible country in my judgement and that of many others.
It is a shame that Carter was so weak, and his response so hesitant. Iran should not have been permitted to live if it had refused to hand over the hostage unconditionally. So sad. I believe that Reagan would have had the courage to terminate the country of Iran if it was necessary. An Iranian city per day that the hostages are being held should bring the Iranian government around pretty promptly.
Hmm. I am not sure if fairness is the correct criteria here. Doesn't mean I think it is fair nor unfair. I am just not sure if that is the primary concern.
I think it is a suitable response. Iranian violated law and tradition in its conduct. The US did not, in its support of a tyrant. Under the law and tradition, it is permissible for the US to exert severe punishment upon the violator.
I do think that the US should exert this right and obtain its people back. The lives of the Iranians are not a significant concern (to the US) since they are the enemy.
Incidentally, you should mind your language. "murder" and "criminal" does not apply to a government, since these are defined legal terms. A state does not murder people, it kills people. You murder someone when you are convicted of the crime of murder.
It is true that I am quibbling about semantics. But my primary concern is to ask that you show self-respect by conducting yourself properly. Both in terms of the integrity of your language and in terms of proper thinking (i.e. not sloppy lazy thinking. Say what you mean, mean what you say).
Yes, but in this specific case, the US would have strong political cover for their actions. The backlash from the destruction of Iran would have been fairly mild due to prior Iranian provocation. If you are ever going to take Iran out, that would be the best time.
No, it wouldn't be fair because the Iranian broke the law and tradition first. But nonetheless Iran is certainly entitled to give it a go.
Er... Yea, Iran isn't capable of it. I mean, are you saying that Iran is capable? If so, please state this clearly so that I can make fun of you. Lol. Specifically, by it, I am referring to the ability to destroy a American city on a one-for-one basis during the specific time period of 1979 and early 1980s.
You know, you really love to go for those big dramatic sentences. You do realize that people may call you out on it? I mean, you show some character by backing down on the murder issue. But you just keep going with this sort of dramatics. What is wrong with you? Can't you just be calm and honest? Be cool. If you are right, no need for these dramatics. And if you are wrong, these dramatics won't save you anyway.
It's a shame Hollywood makes Iran and the people of Iran look like such an ugly psychotic country when it is in fact a very beautiful country.
not exactly...the snow-capped mountain view from Aflecks motel room look nice, nobody says Iran is an ugly country, that is just geogography..they show the behavior of the population, and you draw your own conclusions. When there are huge ugly mobs, you would have film producers show a meadow of flowers maybe? Or, maybe just pixellate the crowd?
Obviously the political regime there is currently not ideal,
oh, you think? wow..
but does that give Hollywood and the media the right to make movies stereotyping all of the people in a country as evil and ugly?
I guess in Iran they would not have that 'right"..and I do not think they showed 'all"of the people...therefore, no stereotype...there were crowds of ugly retarded psychos in the streets, and they showed crowds of ugly retarded psychos in the streets... You see...the newsreels from the time showed the exact same thing. Including the ones made by the regime itself!!
Hollywood and the media are controlled by a certain group of "people" with their own agenda
ahhh...excellent. the usual sophisticated Muslim conspiracies, and a "certain people" conspiracy would you believe..damn Joos again, lol.
They intend to keep Iran's image as an ugly destitute post apocalyptic wasteland
"they" is the Supreme Council of AD600 medieval mullah *beep* that call the shots, I gather...I agree. What do the 'certain peoples" want for Iran? Them and I do not give a shyt except to prevent you from going nuclear...apart from that, you can do as you please and you will probably be mostly ignored.
It is one of the oldest cultures in the world. It has a rich history, poetry, art, some of the most amazing and unique foods, and some of the most exotic and BEAUTIFUL women in the world. I forgot did I say BEAUTIFUL women?!
none of which was denied ...but you do understand what event this film was about, right? When you took an entire embassy prisoner and hostage like common two-bit criminals, was it to expose your rich history, poetry, art foods and beautiful women? Actually, as for history, you wrote another page of that history right there, did't you.Rich, well...pfft.
When they show you these films and images in the media they attempt to show destitute streets with belligerent men in Islamic clothing. Notice that they ALWAYS show Iran as overcast. In any movie or news presentation they ensure it is overcast. Iran is NOT overcast. It is a subtropical climate lol. T
never noticed the skies being overcast...who cares..was it important to admit that the sun was shining while you were holding people hostage and abusing for the belligerent men in Islamic clothing..barely noticed them, we're all so used to them. See maybe my suggestion about pixellation above.
People in Iran are not Arabs and they do not speak Arabic. The speak Farsi.
Great, Captain Obvious. BTW, the country is significantly culturally Arabised, and of course, it is an Arab religion .You might have had your own religions once, such as Zoroaster, but now you 95% have an Arab religion. No escaping that reality. In fact if you found someone worshipping ancient Persian religions, good chance they would become victims of those ugly angry men in Islamic clothing that you cannot shut up about.
All of the Persian people I know are usually well educated sweet ,peaceful people. They have excellent education in Iran. They are not a third world country. My ex girlfriend is a little nutty, but all Persian women are lol. There is a young generation of Persians in Iran just waiting to be a part of the western world. There are forces against them here in America. I urge you to do your own research. See how beautiful of a country it is. Don't just read the news headlines for this search. We all know who controls the media. The same group of people who control Hollywood and the academies.
I'll be honest with you. Every young Iranian male I have encountered was actually an arrogant obnoxious Narcisist pig...the Iranians are the biggest trouble-makers in the illegal immigrant detention centers, known for bullying East Asians for one...known for incredible arrogance and rudeness to female staff. I heard a story about a family who took on an Iranian exchange-student..similiar issues...bizarre arrogance and disrespect towards female members of the host-family. It did not end well. Excellent education? Yes...including purging people who are not religious fanatics from the universities as that cross-eyed lunatic Arminadinjad ordered on his watch, that does not make for raising standards.
and yes, you are so well-educated that you cannot shut up about the Joo-ish world conspiracies, Hollywood and the media...the favorite topics of conversation of the Aryan Brotherhood and white supremacists, just by coincidence.
you are all hip, young and with it and just waiting to be part of the Western world? Since Iran is such a paradise on earth, why would you even want the Western world? In any case, I think you have got a long way to go, Reza..all become apostates, drag the Supreme Council mullahs out in the streets and stick THEM up on those construction cranes you are fond of hanging "queers" from, and maybe STFU with the infantile middle-eastern conspiracy theories , would be a start.
BTW, this film was made by a couple of the most pro-middle eastern pro-Muslim liberal flakes in Hollywood anyway...if you are still complaining about the portrayal by them, I do not know who to suggest that you turn to, next time.
Maybe turn the project over to Khameini angry ugly man in religious clothing.
BTW, this film was made by a couple of the most pro-middle eastern pro-Muslim liberal flakes in Hollywood anyway...
Ironically, The 'Persian Shia Heretics' are not too popular among the 'mainstream Salafist Arab Muslim World'...maybe that explains why the movie was made? Kissing up to the likes of CAIR and/or The Saudis?
Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!? reply share
oh, maybe...if they get as far as differentiating and taking sides in the Shia/Sunni most generic Western liberal apologists approach it as , I like Islam A Tweedledum, but I hate Islam B Tweedledee ??
A bunch like CAIR could choose to take it either way...a black eye for the hated Shee-ites sic...and sure, THEY think there is a difference that matters and know what that is...or just another bite of angry arm-waving muslim psychos making Islam-inc look bad again...and knowing that most people either won't know the difference and don't care, or like me, do know the difference and still don't care.
Anyway, after Affleck's brush on the Bill Maher show with Maher and guest, and what came out..they're not calling him "Imam Affleck" for nothing.
It's a shame Hollywood makes Iran and the people of Iran look like such an ugly psychotic country when it is in fact a very beautiful country. Obviously the political regime there is currently not ideal, but does that give Hollywood and the media the right to make movies stereotyping all of the people in a country as evil and ugly?
Hollywood and the media are controlled by a certain group of "people" with their own agenda. Why else do you think this film won? They intend to keep Iran's image as an ugly destitute post apocalyptic wasteland. Films like these are completely unfair. It is one of the oldest cultures in the world. It has a rich history, poetry, art, some of the most amazing and unique foods, and some of the most exotic and BEAUTIFUL women in the world. I forgot did I say BEAUTIFUL women?!
When they show you these films and images in the media they attempt to show destitute streets with belligerent men in Islamic clothing. Notice that they ALWAYS show Iran as overcast. In any movie or news presentation they ensure it is overcast. Iran is NOT overcast. It is a subtropical climate lol. There is vast agriculture growing there constantly: vineyards, citrus fruits, roses! I wonder why they always choose to use images when it is overcast lol? Hmmm. They don't show you the real people, the incredible sunny mountainous backgrounds with green hills, the beautiful ancient architecture, silk rugs, natural Persian beauties. No they show you overcast beat down streets with men screaming and , of course, guns.
You are a fool. Do you actually think that in the middle of a revolution, people are paying attention to the weather? And in what revolution that you know of, are the streets tidy, the guns absent, and the revolutionaries not screaming? Belligerent men in Islamic clothing? Do you expect them to be smiling and wearing European tshirts? Look at the actual newsreels; that is what they wore, plus hiding their faces, and of course hiding the faces and bodies of the women you rave so about. Of course it's a wasteland...revolutions destroy homes, buildings, streets, shops...what do you expect it to look like? Not a lot of revolutions are held in meadows, vineyards, and flower gardens. You don't know what post-apocalyptic means, since a revoltion is not an apocalypse.
If one of the oldest cultures in the world, as you say, with all its riches, are going to be destroyed by its own people in a stupid and vicious revolution, then you are destroying yourself. Say goodbye to all the lovely things mentioned above. It's either trashed or forbidden by your own people.
My ex girlfriend is a little nutty, but all Persian women are lol.
This sentence says a lot about you, and why the women are forced into chador and/or hijab. Same as your badly-disguised comment about Jews running Hollywood.
Instead of b!tching about a movie, why don't you work in your country to improve its conditions and do some good? reply share
I like how a single line in this post, construed as anti-semitism, just led to a bunch of white people proving how racist they are talking about "typical middle easterners" and junk.
You're all hypocrites. But hey, at least you picked the right group to harbor prejudice against!
It is not clear when your family might have arrived in this country, but it seems you are too young to remember the hostage crisis or the Iranian revolution for that matter. In the movie, some of the Iranians are portrayed sympathetically. However, the picture of how Iran was at the time of the hostage crisis is pretty accurate. It was a chaotic madhouse where lots of people were dying, an unstable government that was eating its own, and a pretty savage place.
You might also be too young to remember the war between Iraq and Iran which took place at the time. The Iranian strategy was basically to sacrifice the lives of thousands of young conscripts in human wave attacks. There was a fountain in the center of Tehran which was a tribute to the so-called martyrs. It sprayed forth red water representing blood. That should give you some idea of how bloodthirsty the regime was.
Iran might be a beautiful country. It might have beautiful women. It has a terrible government that has sacrificed the lives of its people and caused them untold suffering. It is also one of the biggest supporters of terrorism in the world.
So if you want to make a movie about how lovely the Iranian countryside is, go for it. If you want to portray the Iranian government and particularly the religious leadership as anything other than a bunch of savages, good luck.