MovieChat Forums > Moon Knight (2022) Discussion > Season Finale instead of Series Finale?

Season Finale instead of Series Finale?

"Rumors of a second season for Moon Knight took Twitter by storm after an eagle-eyed fan spotted a very important change to a promotional tweet made by Marvel.

Twitter user Kellie Dixon shared two screenshots of the Marvel Studios tweets promoting the upcoming sixth episode of Moon Knight, pointing out that Marvel changed the description from "the epic series finale" to "the epic season finale" — possibly signaling that viewers will get a second season of the Oscar Isaac-led show similar to Loki.

Variety previously noted that Isaac is "not contractually obligated to remain in the MCU after 'Moon Knight' ends its six-episode run in May," but the actor was seemingly open to continuing his work as Marc Spector/Steven Grant. "And luckily, we all agreed that this [show] is what we’re going to focus on. This is the story. And if there’s any kind of future, I think it just depends on if people like it, if people want to see more, and if we find a story that’s worth telling," he said.
Probably NOT the audience rating juggernaut they wanted and without that the Critical Acclaim probably means next to zero in getting a second season.


Yes, this could be stand-alone, but it is just too good, and Oscar is just too good, and the character is just TOO good, to recast and or leave out on a Stand-Alone island.


The manner in which Moon Knight defeated his enemy, as well as the post-credits scene, certainly leave the audience waiting for a second season.


The revelation that there is an Egyptian superhero made me smile and you could feel it leading up to that, based on the very strong performance of Layla. It isn't Moon Knight that is looked at as the Egyptian superhero but Layla.

Get ready for the knee-Jerk hate viewing and dismissal of the entire series in 1........2..........3...........


The final 3 episodes were better than the first 3, it's a shame some people didn't stick with it.

I hope it gets a second season, especially considering the post-credits scene of episode 6. Unless Disney + are somehow Netflix and just cancel it after one season which I doubt.


I was on board from the first episode. A friend of mine and his Dad think it is horrible but then again they love to watch the Sci-fi channel movies.


Same here, I just thought it actually got better as it went along.

Episode 3 slowed the pace down but they did the same with Loki episode 3 and I think it’s good to slow down and develop the characters, otherwise when the big final fight comes you’re not going to be invested in it.

Eternals definitely could have benefitted from being a Disney + series, it really did need more time for character development.


It’s weirdly praised by critics with a bunch of reviews claiming it’s the beat Marvel show. I don’t agree but yeah, it is getting a lot of buzz.


If they’re gonna continue this series, it’s gonna need major improvement because season 1 was very mediocre. Oscar Isaac was one of the few things about it. Moon Knight’s costumes looked pretty good, but seeing Mr Knight used as a wannabe Deadpool gag was lame. I’d rather they saved that outfit for later. And he was barely in the Moon Knight outfit throughout the 6 episodes. It’s called “Moon Knight” and he was barely Moon Knight.

The action wasn’t that good, the plot wasn’t interesting, and the humor fell flat most of the time. Episode 5 wasn’t too bad though, the flashback was pretty powerful. I also liked the opening music in episode 3, but otherwise, the bad far outweighs the good.


Of course Isaac’s Moon Knight has a future in this franchise (well, hopefully). But while season 1 might’ve not won everyone over (never expected it to), it’s rightfully being praised by critics AND audiences (at least from what I’ve seen on social media and places like good ol’ Rotten Tomatoes - never take this site into account!). For a hugely unknown character, looks to me like Moon Knight has been a success. The buzz is real.

At any rate, I certainly expect the great Oscar Isaac to be back whether it’s in a season 2 (I think it’s likely to happen - or not) and/or other MCU projects.


I thought it was very uninspired and boring. Very disappointing.


Well now they are saying Series Finale again.
