Does anybody else think girls are shown as really bloodthirsty in this?
Thats my question - does anything else wonder why the girls are shown as being so bloodthirsty in this movie. Okay the main girl is sensitive enough but as for the rest - well just look at how they are portrayed in the film.
Every time our hero is shown as whacking out other guys on youtube the girls jump up in excitement and can't wait to oggle him in the classroom or school corridors - their eyes glowing in awe and admiration. And when the main bone-crunching fights happen its the girls again - usually provocatively dressed in bikinis or short club dresses - who are in the front line of spectators jumping up and down in atavistic bloodthirsty glee!
As a resident in the UK surely not all American college girls act like this when they see men fight?
Not that I necessarily object - its just interesting that the movie focuses so much on this aspect - but then again movie-makers have always liked to link sex up with violence so maybe its down to good ol' box office - along the lines of "give the public what they want to see".
Not surprisingly perhaps the producer, director and writer of this film are all men - I doubt if women film-makers would have shown girls in such a harsh light.
Anybody who wants to get in touch with me about this movie - or any other - feel welcome - email [email protected]