MovieChat Forums > Never Back Down (2008) Discussion > Does anybody else think girls are shown ...

Does anybody else think girls are shown as really bloodthirsty in this?

Thats my question - does anything else wonder why the girls are shown as being so bloodthirsty in this movie. Okay the main girl is sensitive enough but as for the rest - well just look at how they are portrayed in the film.
Every time our hero is shown as whacking out other guys on youtube the girls jump up in excitement and can't wait to oggle him in the classroom or school corridors - their eyes glowing in awe and admiration. And when the main bone-crunching fights happen its the girls again - usually provocatively dressed in bikinis or short club dresses - who are in the front line of spectators jumping up and down in atavistic bloodthirsty glee!
As a resident in the UK surely not all American college girls act like this when they see men fight?
Not that I necessarily object - its just interesting that the movie focuses so much on this aspect - but then again movie-makers have always liked to link sex up with violence so maybe its down to good ol' box office - along the lines of "give the public what they want to see".
Not surprisingly perhaps the producer, director and writer of this film are all men - I doubt if women film-makers would have shown girls in such a harsh light.
Anybody who wants to get in touch with me about this movie - or any other - feel welcome - email [email protected]


No, I definitely noticed that, too. Even Baja, the "sensitive" one, is the catalyst for the first fight to happen at the party. You would think that some of the girls would feel sorry for Jake, especially after Ryan taunts him about his dead father. But no, they just want some blood!!

I'm the saddle.


Thanks for responding. Actually I forgot about Baja enticing the hero to the first party so he can get his a*ss whipped by her bada*ss boyfriend. Although she does feel remorse about itafterwards. But then again just before the final showdown she encourages to go out and fight. Guess the fact that she reads "The Illiad" might be clue that even she is not all sweetness and light!
American colleges sure seem rough tough places! Institutes of education...? Bear pits more like!! I mean don't any of these kids doing any studying - in this film all college seems to consist of is stripper parties and fight clubs!
Although a lot of teenage boys and girls probably wouldn't criticise that!


Well, it was actually high school, but it's a bit over-the-top and exaggerated.

I'm the saddle.


I agree that this is wrong. However, you are complaining about this when it's only one of several instances in which the movie portrayed humans acting in an unrealistic manner. This movie is good because of its MMA and its glorification of martial arts, not realistic portrayal of women's behavior.


There are lots and lots of girls who get off on watching people beat the *beep* out of each other. I'd say this is a fair assessment considering the type of party it was.


Not surprisingly perhaps the producer, director and writer of this film are all men - I doubt if women film-makers would have shown girls in such a harsh light.
Kind of sexist of the OP. They can wear our pants, but can't feel our barbarity. Nice.

Casey: Just call me Mrs. Butterworth, bitch.


why when one side of the human personality is shown in a movie ppl think they makers of the film are saying EVERYONE of that gender or type are all like that? fooking idiots! there are so many types of ppl in the world and this movie was showing the way ppl acted in this group, that was it. if you can't understand that then just kill yourself and please don't reproduce.

One mans wife was another mans slut This has been a MomentofTruth brought to you by TheEvilMonkey.


I thought the bloodthirsty part was a little over the top.

Sadly, the girls sitting around drooling over the guys being hot and ripped is pretty realistic.

I'm of the opinion that women are way more superfical then men. When a guy wants to date a hot girl, he is looked upon as a pig. When a girl wants to date a hot guy, she is looked upon as a strong women going after what she wants.


I respectfully but strongly disagree. There are many (at least some) women who are sensitive and caring and could care less about the superficial things in this world. Men are rarely looked upon as pigs (at least not by their male friends, they think hey! I've banged 10 chicks I'm awesome!) in fact, it is very common for guys to chase after girls and then when she finally sleeps with him she gets labeled as a slut. Seen it happen many times. So it goes both ways, girls can be terrible to guys and guys can be terrible to girls. But as far as I can see it's usually guys who are treating girls terribly, taking advantage of them, and only wanting them for sex. Talk about superficial...
Just to clear things up.



Both men and women can be superficial---no one gender has got a claim on that. Also, I've never seen this flick at all. it sounds like just another boring predictable male fantasy action flick that's all. I remember when it came out, and thinking that the plot sounded just like every other kung fu flick I'd seen or heard of---new or different, basically.


I have two co-existing theories here:

1: They were vibing the audience reaction of women like me who went to see because it was about gorgeous men fighting each other (Moviewise, I am a little bloodthirsty, I freely admit that)

2: The director was clearly trying to establish the credibility of their underground warrior culture by making the brawls seem as much like a Roman colliseum as possible, with Ryan playing to the crowd and the bloodthirsty crowd (including women who throw themselves at him) loving him for it. I think the script's repeated allusions to Achilles are evidence to that mood the director wanted to set.


can't wait to oggle him in the classroom or school corridors - their eyes glowing in awe and admiration.
. Are you writing fanfic?

But no, okay. To answer your question, I'm a girl and I'm pretty sure I'd react the same way. Back in school or at the club, whenever a fight broke out I'd always be the person who pushed their way to the front to get the best view, hyping the sh-t out of it.

I mean, if some guy got jumped and was getting his ass kicked I wouldn't be "bloodthirsty" about it. I'd try to stop it or call for help. But if both parties are down and ready to give a show, hell yeah, I'd want to see some sh-t get wrecked.

When a guy wants to date a hot girl, he is looked upon as a pig. When a girl wants to date a hot guy, she is looked upon as a strong women going after what she wants.
Uh, no. Guy who wants hot girl = superficial pig. Girl who wants hot guy = vapid whore. It cuts both ways.


In our high school fights there was always some girls at the front swearing and shouting at the fighters as much as the guys were. The only difference I saw between girls reactions to fights and guys is that the portion of girls who didn't want the fight to happen were very likely to start crying just out of the high tensions going around.

I eat Lions


thats one of the things unrealistic in this movie

real people, even guys, would in real life be siding with jake and telling the other guy to back down, especially after mentioning his father


"They did not show the whole school ,just that one little click/group."

you mean when he walks through the halls and every girl is staring at him with some lame '*beep* me' expression on her face it just happened to be that only that one little group were in the halls at the time? or in the yard? or in the cafeteria..

also boxing never allowed women. since i assume we are discussing PRIOR to boxing moving internationally.



"He was shown in one hall one yard and one cafeteria. He was always with the same guy. That guy was trying to be part of the click ,So what I said stands."

it was a shot that gave the impression of moving through the school. im not sure how the guy hes with would influence the population of the hallways.

"He was not talking about women actually boxing . He was talking about them being all excited by the blood shed. I was making the point that you cannot judge this country by what is seen in a movie.The US is not more blood thirsty than his country. "

and as i said, women werent allowed in boxing years ago. spectating or fighting prior to its international expansion. or this is my understanding anyway.



"He sticks to the halls that those people hang out in . Got it now?"

in a school? impossible.

"Ah ok Has nothing to do with the point I was making. Does not affect the point I was making. So what is your point??"

the initial point is discussing the bloodthirsty nature of the women. fighting between men has always occurred, the female involvement hasnt.



"They only showed maybe two halls ,ergo the women were not looking at him like do me throughout the whole school. If they did you have no proof because they did not show it."

it was clearly implied, and its a high school, you dont get to choose the locations of your classes based on your friends.


"Does anybody else think girls are shown as really bloodthirsty in this?" the title suggests otherwise.



the issues you have seem like budget problems more than anything else. ill continue to think it was the whole school, you can continue to think its a small group, i dont think this is going anywhere.

not sure what part of the context youre meaning. however i did find this:
"As a resident in the UK surely not all American college girls act like this when they see men fight?" which seems like the key point...




cheers, just doin it for the ladies.

i dont hate americans, i generalise a lot. i do however find them extremely annoying because theyre loud and rude. but thats just the ones ive met, again, i generalise.

im australian

i think you mean how did you get so good at typing like us?



"Unfortunately I do not get out of the country very often ,when I have been out of the country most think I am Canadian. I guess I do not act like most americans. I guess that comes from growing up with humble beginnings. I also do not feel I am great just because I come from a great country ,which is also a difference . What pisses me off the most is when the americans say stuff like if it wast for us you guys would be speaking German. Most americans seem to believe their own propaganda. I am however loud I am hard of hearing so I get shushed alot."

i tend to go to lots of south east asian countries, white people in general act like *beep* there. i was so ashamed to be australian when i saw their behaviour in thailand. australians tend to be loud as well but mainly when theyre drunk.
yes, the american propaganda is the biggest pain in the ass. its called a world war for a reason, just because america came in at the end doesnt mean theyre responsible for saving it, which it seems u already know i just wanted to expand on the point. the whole we are all free and greater than whatever country youre from thing is also extremely annoying. and correcting my spelling because they think theres no alternatives to the american bastardisation. ok im getting frustrated now so ill shutup :P

"That looks like a very lovely country. Funny I do not know anyone that has been there that was not born there. I just realized that. Weird. I have always wanted to go to Australia, the problem is the nature shows have made me scared shhytless to go. You guys have some mean critters there. I am sure that is exaggerated too. I find we as american are pretty gullible. "

australias alright, my area is like prude central. theres some sort of weird messed up attitude here where people are really conservative but the second they get alcohol in them (frequently) they use it as an excuse to act like..well...normal people i guess. its really pathetic. sydney is much better for people, though they can be rude sometimes. melbourne is the same as here, but again, ruder.
nature shows tend to only be in areas of the outback and desert. we have some nasty spiders around the place but thats about all ull find in cities. if you go to country areas youre more likely to encounter the other stuff, but even then its rare. personally ive seen maybe 10 redbacks in my life, nothing much else.
being gullible is a human trait. not an american one.

and if i sound american im not aware of it :P



yeh i didnt find that in the philippines cos i stayed away from the tourist areas there, so i was one of only 2 white people in my area.
i get criticised for spelling and grammar all the time, its a weak argument.

my complexion is extremely pale, but i fake tanned does that help my chances?



Absolutely. Some even have teeth in their vags.
