Summer send extremely mixed signals, stating that she does not want anything serious and then acting to all extends and purposes like a girlfriend. Imagine someone that says she/he likes you and then hits you, I see the same inconsitency in her acts. Ultimately actions count, not words and she should stand behind her actions
However, Tom also messed it up. He knew not to ask because the answer was not what he wanted to hear so he stayed with the hope (key Word here is hope) that Summer would fall in love with him -which of course she did not-. It was his choice to hang on to that and it backfired and feed his insecurity.
They both pretended to be something they were not because they were attracted and that worked for both of them, for a while, until finally one of them realised that it was not going to work. Summer acted like a girlfriend even if she stated that she did not want something serious. Tom said that he was ok with something casual but he was not.
They tried to have a relationship that worked for both of them but they both wanted different things.
So taking all of the above I don't think either one is to blame for the relationship happening, they both made mistakes. The only thing that tips the balance in favor of Tom is the aftermath -and this is where the screenwriter played a good trick-. Meeting on the train and spending all the wedding together, dancing, inviting him to a party and not once mentioning "Hey I'm engaged or hey I'm seeing someone", that is to say the least tactless. It is crucial information that is omitted by a character(again this is the screenwriter and not the carácter shaping the story, which I don't blame because I loved expectations VS reality bit)
Just because of that: Team Tom. The dude was barely getting out of the slump and he was a hopeless romantic. I think Summer did the right thing ending the relation because they were going to hurt each other, but after meeting again failing to communicate something so huge is well tactless.
So yeah, Team Tom exclusively for what happens after the relation. During the relation they both made mistakes.