MovieChat Forums > Taking Chance (2009) Discussion > As a non-american i really don't want to...

As a non-american i really don't want to see this movie

As a Non-American (I'm Canadian), I really don't want to see this movie, because I feel it is going to be all preachy, and message-y, and I am just not in the mood. Although it does look like a decent movie, I am just not interested, what do others thing?


Then why are you here commenting on it retard.


I'm British and have seen and enjoyed this movie twice. One of the best movies I have seen.


there is absaultely nothing preachy about the movie


since you live in a country that is a member of north america you are an american.

hence the term north america and south america and latin america we are all americans


Is there no formal protocol for non-Americans? I find that pretty unbelievable. I've seen military marches and parades of other countries and they appear just as regimented as America. The movie could have reflected any war and any side. I liked it because it brought war down to a very personal family level. No one wants to lose their child to war. For one to give the ultimate price, a little decorum is called for.


Canada is in this war! They are deployed in Kandahar province right now. Canada is among the nations with the largest military presence in Afghanistan. Sorry your not in the mood, but the "others" are also Canadian. It is not preachy, it was made by HBO not the government, and you can only hope that your KIA's are treated with as much respect when their remains are brought home.

Sorry, but you show the utmost disrespect for your service people, not even knowing they are there, maybe dying, and you can't be bothered even knowing what happens to them your fallen fellow Canadians are brought home. Your ignorance is very sad and those over there fighting in your name don't even have the support of their people is unforgivable.

GET IN THE MOOD! Support your people!


Danny I am an american and I suggest you don't see this movie whether you are in the mood or not. There is no car chase scenes, or things being blown up. It is rather quiet and slow. The message is very message-y and would probably just bore you to sleep. Save yourself the 2 hours, and more importantly save those of us who did enjoy and appreciate the movie your nonsense.


I don't think it's preachy in any way, doesn't give arguments for the war pro or cons, and just focuses on the dignity of associating a fellow soldier homeSource:Movie Reviews - Taking Chance e
