MovieChat Forums > Taking Chance (2009) Discussion > As a non-american i really don't want to...

As a non-american i really don't want to see this movie

As a Non-American (I'm Canadian), I really don't want to see this movie, because I feel it is going to be all preachy, and message-y, and I am just not in the mood. Although it does look like a decent movie, I am just not interested, what do others thing?


Non-American here too and I liked the movie. It didn't feel like it was all preachy and message-y. But I guess that it might also depend on a person's background.



meh. it was mediocre.

Inside all of us is a..WILD THING


i don't see the point of saying you don't want to see this movie
Maybe you don't want to surf on the internet, so why are you here and who cares ?


I expressed the point i didn't want to see the movie because I think it will be preachy and boring and super American. I was curious what others had to say. I wanted to know if my opinion was justified. No need to be an *beep*

Anyway here is another forum post from someone else named Riddlert who actually saw the movie. And what he describes is the exact reason i did not want to see the movie. He says:

This movie is SO boring if you don't get turned on by American flags.
The ONLY thing that happens in this movie, is people showing respect and honor and gratitude for a fallen marine. That's it.
It's properly the most American film I have seen since Pearl harbor.
A movie about an unjustified war with properly more than 50.000 civilian dead, this just had absolutely NO affect on me.
If you don't want to get killed, stay the F in Alabama.


A movie about an unjustified war with properly more than 50.000 civilian dead

This movie was not in any way about a war. Yes the fallen marine was KIA, but the movie was not about the war at all.


FWIW I am Canadian and certainly not in favor of the American military involvement in Iraq.

I thought the movie was very good. It did just what it set out to do. That was not to explain or justify or villify. It was just to show something which I was not fully aware of and which I found very interesting and touching.


I'm a European (my genes are made from bits and pieces from all around europe, and I was born and raised in southern europe and now live in a nordic country).

And I thought this movie was great. The concept of a witness resonated with me very strongly. But I won't reveal more about this - see the movie and you'll perhaps understand.


A Spaniard here. I think this movie is very interesting and I'm glad that they did a serious portrayal of Marines. I recomend it to everyone.


Dear Maltais Dan,

I loved this movie. I am also a proud American. I do know when something is preachy/message-y and this movie is not that. It is simply the story of a Marine officer who escorts a fallen Marine home . It was his story to tell, and he did. HBO found it worthy of movie treatment. You will either "get it" or you wont. You offer as evidence to NOT see it the comment of a person who does NOT get it and probably never will. And that is his/her loss. Dont make that persons rant the final arbitor of what you may watch.

I can only say if this was a Canadian movie and the characters were Canadian soldiers I would have been just as touched. Its a human story. If you have a bias against America I cant do anything about that but to say if you do see it, put that aside and see it for what it is. A story of a community brought together thru grief and loss and how that loss was felt by total strangers. It is about valour, repect, sacrifice. You may or may not honor those qualities. If you dont, you probably wont "get it".



I could not have said it better myself.
I have not yet seen it myself but I know what to expect of it and the OP has it all wrong.

Basing his opinion on the rantings of a jerk liberal anti-american is his loss.

and to come on this forum to announce it rather than just not watching it without comment, shows me that his purpose is to start something. AKA a troll

Semper Fi my friend

USS Halsey CG-23
USS Kitty Hawk CV-63

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


I'm not American too i'm Middle eastern but for this movie i'd like to tell you that this movie is not just decent it's incredible after watching it i couldn't watch anything else for like a week or something and yeah it's full of messages but it's really worth watching .
Think about the story and how touching it is not the messages .


Thats funny because I have been in Cananda on Nov 11th. I have seen the repect that Canada gives its fallen servicemembers. I have seen how Canada has treated its latest boys coming home for the final time from the mid east. Canadian servicemembers are treated with respect second to none. And, I thought we were all American's in this hemisphere. Right down to those funny dudes in Tierra del Fuego. If your non-American then you must be a non-Canadian too. I think your just a troll.


But you do find the time to write something on the board of the movie you "don't want to watch."


So if another country made this movie, say Britian or australia or can I say Canada. As a NON-citizen of any of these countries, I am not a human being. Funny he made an assumption of what he "thought" the movie would show.

and didn't take the time to actually watch it.

It does not matter where you come from or if you served in the military, it's about a person who wanted to escort somone home, That person's wife in the movie said to him "what's this all about?"

as if there was something more to what he was doing, is this what the world has come to. A man wants to do a decent thing for another man and he is questioned and a man as a NON-american thinks things about a movie before he has even watched it.

You asked what other people think, I think your an idiot as a NON-american.

I would like to meet you, I never met a NON-american before. THE UNITED STATES OF NON-AMERICA.

I would like to visit there.


Suppose you change the nationality of the soldier to Canadian, British, French or any other country with soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan. Should that country honor the parents of that fallen soldier by having an escort return them their son or daughter home or just send them home in a box like so much baggage?

I served in the US Army for 13 years during the cold war, mainly in Germany. Soldiering for most is not a job, but a profession. Assignments can really suck, it can be too hot or too cold, too wet or too dry. You can be isolated, away from family and friends, for long periods. The worst thing to happen to you is being killed. Part of the unwritten contract we had with our nation and service was that we would be returned home if we were killed or died in the service of our country.

I suggest watching a movie called 'Gardens of Stone'.

You can take anything out of it that you want, if you watch it. If you don't, than you won't have missed anything. If this was a troll, I think it was wasted.


I never get people who go on boards for movies they didn't like, but even more confusing is people who go on boards for movies they haven't/won't see. The movie isn't life altering. I am sure people who have served or are friends/relatives of service members probably have more of a connection to the events. But as a civilian I thought it was a pretty solid movie even if you are against the war in Iraq.
