
This is just another kitschy piece of propaganda! And I´m truely sorry for the guy and his family, they used his death for this.



i wonder if you would have the balls to say this to their faces, or to any Marine face-to-face....

Your art is the prettiest art of all the art.


Don't be too mad at the OP, irishpaisano. He's like so many people who fail to distinguish between the honor due to our soldiers and the political system that puts them, sometimes wrongly, in harm's way.

I, for one, am not in the least thrilled that our politicians sent our men to Iraq, but I CERTAINLY honor the men who went there.

Semper fi,




As thousands of American soldiers have proven over the years, we will defend to the death your right to criticize us and our country.

The top 15 European countries would be Goose-stepping to Nazi march music or living under collective socialism if the "evil" American foreign policies didn't bring us to their aid.

I welcome anyone who hates America to post their country so we know who NOT to assist with military or financial aid in the future so as not to make you madder at us. Silly America... we thought people liked to be free. Our bad.


I agree entirely with you...some idiot politician sent him to his death - all the more reason to bury him honorably. Superb movie, by the way, Kevin Bacon was simply perfecto for the role. Never cried in you live? Try Taking Chance.
Cant figure out why the name 'Taking Chance' though..?


"some idiot politician sent him to his death - all the more reason to bury him honorably."

The fact that you accept a man's death so blithely ... without attempting to COMPREHEND what a waste it was to send him there .. and the fact that you do NOTHING to correct the corrupt power structure that sent him there in the first place ... just confirms the fact why the rest of the world regards the US/Israel military imperial project for the rest of the world in such a poor and contemptuous light. No wonder the rest of the world regards you to be morons and a menace to humanity the world over...

Any person/country that wants to 'bury' their dead with 'honor' (in reality just a show of pomp) while treating the living as nothing but fodder to be killed in wars abroad deserves my scorn.

P.S. The reason why the movie was called 'Taking Chance' is because the name of the dead soldier whose body Kevin Bacon's character is taking back to his home town is named 'Pfc. Chance Phelps'. OK? Did you not even figure THAT simple part out?


I said you were an ass years ago, and guess what YOU STILL ARE.

Life is a journey not a destination. Fear nothing.


a marine is not a soldier a marine is a marine. army are soldiers navy are seaman airforce airman etc etc each branch has a different title


Well, second guessing the politicians is an easy thing to do. Politics goes out the window as soon as you land over there. I am a veteran and cannot remember one person complaining about being either in Iraq or Afghanistan. We do not question orders, rather follow them exactly and hope for the best. People seem so proud these days, including Trump, by saying they knew the war was a mistake, yet veterans do not have that ability to second guess orders. I am glad we fought bravely and honorably. There were a few instances of foul play in the media, I can think of 3, but that is pretty good for a war that waged on for 10 plus years. Can you imagine how many more "Geneva Convention" rules would have been broke if we were talking about another organization other than NATO that fought in that theater? The US and Britain fought the War on Terror honorably and their people can hold their heads up high. Being a US troop was so impressed with our ally Britain. The "Special Relationship" is indeed true and have grew to respect that country more. Britain did not have to fight this war, but they did and I know we would have their back any day. This movie was a good one and wish there were more like this one.


And so what are you implying? That a person exercising his right to free speech - the very right that the people in the armed services are supposed to protect and defend - would have the *beep* kicked out of him by a Marine?

For people like you - whoever you are - the ideals of democracy and liberty extend only as far as your narrow minded opinions. Such ideals are nothing more than words to you and you haven't the depth of character to understand what the service and sacrifice of these men and women are all about.

I only hope you aren't in the miltary.


i was merely wondering if the OP would have the courage and conviction to stand up to a Marine's family and say the same thing

often times ppl like him/her are cowards and hypocrites in real life who would never admit such things face-to-face with those whom he/she is attacking

Your art is the prettiest art of all the art.


How exactly is this propaganda? And for what?
I think its a very sad movie that shows that behind all the speaches and numbers we are presented with when watching the news there are always people suffering and there are always lifes lost, mangled and forever changed. Each number and each new assault plan may be another kid from Wyoming, or the kid from your next door neighbor. Or your own.

If you think that a young man loosing his life is propaganda I wonder what your perception of war is. I cannot help but think that most likely this movie will not be shown at the recruiting office. Death is not a good sales argument.


So what are you saying? The young men and women that go into the military are morons who don't know they are putting their lives on the line? Are you saying they are dupes that go into it thinking it's gonna be loads of fun and an adventure and they have no idea they may be called to service, in a place where they likely could die? The friends and family I have that joined the military know full well the cost they may pay. None of them want to die, but all are willing to do so for their country. None of them are stupid and foolish enough to think that no one is dying in Iraq and that they also may share that fate. They aren't idiots that were given a good "sales argument" that didn't include "death".

What is it with young people today that they don't know the difference between "loosing" and "losing". If you're going to talk about the death of soldiers, please learn that distinction.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


Did you even read the post you were attacking?


The beauty and strength of this movie is that it is apolitical and focuses on the respect, duty and appreciation of one living soldier (Marine) for another dead soldier (Marine).


Perfectly stated, sirsalon. There is nothing political about this movie. It is what you said - a movie about duty, honor and respect.


I saw this film twice...the first time I missed the I didn't change channel because I like Kevin as an actor. I felt my thoughts coming up neck...words like propaganda etc. popped up in my head...but then I realized that it is about the homecoming of member of a family, a friend a respected young man before his time as an marine....and if the military beyond politics treat there man like this I well can appreciate this and I am happy to learned this with that movie.


Another person who uses words they don't understand.

Propaganda has a purpose. What do you contend was the purpose for which this film was propagandizing? It was entirely apolitical, and even showed time-relative criticisms of (and continued hawking for) the war. There was no agenda other than honoring a fallen serviceman. If you think that's propaganda, you're just a sad person.


I'm sure a creep like you prefers something like "In the Valley of Elah", where they took a true story and just simply added a false ending that fit their anti-military, anti-American agenda. THAT is propaganda, you smug douchebag.


just this. ...go to war and find out what it means. or...shut up


I knew Chance Phelps! And I totally disagree with your statement! It is hardly "propaganda" when they take the story of a young American who might seem ordinary to anyone else and show it to the world so that they might see what being a soldier/Marine is all about! When I heard that they were making a movie about my beloved friend it made me feel honored that I knew him! I bet if someone close to your heart died and they made a movie about them you wouldn't be saying its all for "propaganda"! So quit being a close-minded jerk!!


It's only propaganda if you believe that letting people see dead soldiers is somehow anti-American. If you're worried that people will see dead soldiers, dead boys and girls, and think that war is bad, then perhaps you should reevaluate your perspective. Saying this is anti-war propaganda is like saying your opinion favors the murdering of young people by other young people.


I too know the Phelps family, in fact my father recently married "gretchen's" sister, and both still live in Chance's hometown of Dubois, WY. The entire town has embraced the story of Chance, and felt honored that Mr Bacon portrayed the part of the Col. Chance's picture is added to those who've served overseas on the wall of the local VFW. Dubois takes pride in honoring her own born troops, and has a feeling of honor every time you see Glory flying over a front lawn or near a business. The fact that HBO chose Chance's story to tell is amazing, and having lived among those who knew him as a boy and a man, it gives me goosebumps when I see and hear portrayals of those I know and love. I honor those who serve and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice (this includes the families). I served as well, so this story is of a fallen comrade. Rest easy, Chance. We will never forget! -til they all come home-


I personally would like to thank his town and loved ones for sharing this with us.

