MovieChat Forums > The Runaways (2010) Discussion > who is your favorite all girl band?

who is your favorite all girl band?

The Go-Gos
The Donnas
The Runaways
En Vogue


You forgot the Bangles
alternatively named by me as The Bung-Holes...Zing!
Susanna Hoffs was smoking in the 80's, and still rocks it fairly good now.
All of the Bangles look as they have aged really well actually.


coldplay are a decent all girl band!!!

'All for one and one for all! You go first, I've got a bad leg.'


Veruca Salt

But the Runaways are still my fave!

Gamera is really neat... He is made of mystery meat!


Lush and Veruca both had dudes in them though
Veruca having a male drummer
and I think Lush was a male guitar and drummer if not mistaken...


And I cant argue...


Dude that's just wrong...but funny!




The Bangles, as well as a lot of all-girl bands of the time were really sort of gimmick acts. They didn't wtite their own songs and were weak preformers live. Its a great question the OP asks. In terms of talent, I would say the Supremes or other Motown acts.

Its not that there were not great women in rock, Joni Mitchell, etc. There were great women in bands, Tina Weymouth (talking heads) Kim Gordon (sonic youth), Kim Deal (the pixies). I just can't think of an all girl rock band that was really good. The Runaways were 3-chord punk wannabe gimmick for sure. The critics hammered them. Hole was a POS band, and Courtney Love was a fraud and a gimmick from the get go. There must be one I'm forgeting.


Drain STH

The Hunger Games - March 23, 2012


Girlschool and The Runaways


The Runaways ans L7 are the best


En Vogue shouldn't be considered a band. What about Vixen?

I'm the saddle.


Envogue comment is understood...they are an all girl GROUP.


The Like


Lunachicks....and Frightwig!






Technically Hole doesn't count, because there's always been a dude in the band (and nowadays Courtney is the ONLY girl in the band lol)... but who gives a sh!t, they effin' rock.


Anyone remember the Poison Dollys? I had one of their albums (maybe their only album).


ROCK GODDESS was great, too!

Oh yeah, and the Catholic Girls!!! I have their 1st album and used to play it all the time. Great memories!




Never heard of Vixen-hair band?

The Bangles, as well as a lot of all-girl bands of the time like the Runaways were really sort of gimmick acts. They didn't wtite their own songs and were weak preformers live. Its a great question the OP asks. In terms of talent, I would say the Supremes or other Motown acts.

Its not that there were not great women in rock, Joni Mitchell, etc. There were great women in bands, Tina Weymouth (talking heads) Kim Gordon (sonic youth), Kim Deal (the pixies). I just can't think of an all girl rock band that was really good. The Runaways were 3-chord punk wannabe gimmick for sure. The critics hammered them. Hole was a POS band, and Courtney Love was a fraud and a gimmick from the get go.


"punk wannabe gimmick"

How many punk bands were around in '75? A handful, but not a lot. If they were bandwagoning, it's strange that they formed before most of the first wave bands.

Yes, the infallible music critics. They never reconsider their opinions, do they?

Kill Yr Idols is a great song. Pretty on the Inside is a great album.

So how does invoking the trinity of Weymouth/Gordon/Deal reinforce the dismissive trashing of respected female-fronted acts as gimmicks and frauds? It doesn't; not in the slightest.

The Bangles started as a punk band called Supersonic Bangs.


The Runaways
The Shirelles
The Ronettes

"Jail-fncking-bait! Jack-fncking-pot!"


If the Runaways are the best, then that's not saying much.. Heart was not an all girl band. The Bangles, as well as a lot of all-girl bands of the time were really sort of gimmick acts. They didn't wtite their own songs and were weak preformers live. Its a great question the OP asks. In terms of talent, I would say the Supremes or other Motown acts.

Its not that there were not great women in rock, Joni Mitchell, etc. Most if not all the great female performers were solo acts, or in mixed bands like Fleetwood Mac. There were great women in bands, Tina Weymouth (talking heads) Kim Gordon (sonic youth), Kim Deal (the pixies). I just can't think of an all girl rock band that was really good. The Runaways were 3-chord punk wannabe gimmick for sure. The critics hammered them. Hole was a POS band, and Courtney Love was a fraud and a gimmick from the get go.


Its not that there were not great women in rock, Joni Mitchell, etc. Most if not all the great female performers were solo acts, or in mixed bands like Fleetwood Mac. There were great women in bands, Tina Weymouth (talking heads) Kim Gordon (sonic youth), Kim Deal (the pixies). I just can't think of an all girl rock band that was really good.

Aww, but you don't remember the fabulous FANNY...and Birtha and Isis were really good too, but FANNY had a top 20 hit with "Butter Boy."

"You Are a Testimony to Witlessness!"...Madalyn Murray O'Hair


THANK YOU for remembering FANNY!

Honorable mentions: The Go-Gos, The SF Seals, Dolly Mixture, The Brood, The Pandoras.


Heart's not a girl band.


The Go-Go's
The Bangles

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The Bangles, as well as a lot of all-girl bands of the time were really sort of gimmick acts. They didn't wtite their own songs and were weak preformers live. Its a great question the OP asks. In terms of talent, I would say the Supremes or other Motown acts.

Its not that there were not great women in rock, Joni Mitchell, etc. There were great women in bands, Tina Weymouth (talking heads) Kim Gordon (sonic youth), Kim Deal (the pixies). I just can't think of an all girl rock band that was really good. The Runaways were 3-chord punk wannabe gimmick for sure. The critics hammered them. Hole was a POS band, and Courtney Love was a fraud and a gimmick from the get go.




Lillix are/were pretty good
Shonen Knife
The Troys

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