lazy Castings?

Issac as Moon Knight and Ali as Blade.

Even Haliee as Kate Bishop is kinda Lazy, tho i think she fits the role better than those two as their characters. Would have been nice to get new talent


I'm cool with all three. Sometimes new talent can be woefully miscast.


Kate is a miscast, the character would have benefited from fresh blood not star power


Thats why i said these castings are lazy they want star power


Other than Isaac none of them are big names. Ali is a respected actor, but has not had a big starring role in anything major. I have never heard of Haillee Steinfeld. She had a music carreer and was in Bumblebee apparently? I have never heard of Tatiana Maslani either. So you are basically complaining about them hiring professional actors instead of people who have never acted before in their life?
Well how about Vellani? She had literally never had a professional acting role in her life when she was cast. Still hasn't really.


Ali won an oscar for that green book movie and literally said he pitched blade to Kevin Feige.Haliee lots of stuff. They should hire new talent. Issac isn't anything like Moon Knight


I see you ignored the new talent that I pointed out.


Who did you point out


I literally never heard of any of these actors before and i watch almost all blockbuster movies.


I think Ali is about as perfect a casting for blade as there can be, I’m seriously hyped for that one.

The others I don’t care one way or another but the Kate Bishop actress is quite capable, even as a kid she was in True Grit with Jeff Bridges and held her own. She has always been good.


Ali is almost 50 and isn't a martial artist. Blade is a fighting machine at peak strength snipes did 3 movies in 7 years


Snipes is gonna be HARD to top. I love Ali's talent, but he seems miscast. Ah well. We'll see what the first trailer looks like. . .


