Wokeing Dead

Not really feeling this. Seems like they are getting in on that Woke trend more and more. I don't really want this bullshit ideology shoving in my face when I am looking to invest time into a story. (Unless I am interested in watching a story about communism/leftist happy happy mantra)

Music is terrible pretty much ruins all of the scenes. Light hearted touchy feely garbage no thanks.

Enforcement of message “The New Generation” will save us from the current world. Hmm wonder where they have got this idea from....

Pushing brand new characters shoved together without any time spent for them to grow into a team/group naturally. Yeah literally not even a full episode in and a group is formed. We want to just go wandering outside. No we don't have time for character development between the others in the group who just appear we just need to shove these people together and get them outside quick with that garbage music in the background.....

All in all I can only use one word to sum it up so far. Terrible.

I will continue watching for now as I have a “morbid” curiosity to see how bad it can get.

The only plus point I can see is this Civic Republic grouping which were the ones who took “you know who” in the other show. That could be an interesting plot point if they don't fuck it up.


I will continue watching for now as I have a “morbid” curiosity to see how bad it can get.

The only reason I decided to watch in the first place.


And, other than Ormond, the "actors" are chosen for a particular reason that has nothing to do with acting capabilities - https://youtu.be/LKiLgalRynE


Well this definitely explains a lot. AMC is so pathetic. The entire show is one giant agenda.


I knew this show would be awful as soon as I saw the trailer. It just reeked of a cringey teen drama. Its sad that this is part of TWD universe. Its so embarrassing.


The sad thing about this is that the basic premise is pretty good. What would it be like for kids that grew up during this that don't know anything else. But instead of diving into what that means they are going all in on the woke-crap and low-brain "young adult" drama. Huge waste of potential sacrificed to the gods of wokeness.


and of course the main zombie killer is a sad homosexual with daddy issues.


Not really feeling this. Seems like they are getting in on that Woke trend more and more. I don't really want this bullshit ideology shoving in my face when I am looking to invest time into a story. (Unless I am interested in watching a story about communism/leftist happy happy mantra)

If you're complaining that two of the main characters are female, they are not very capable. They're clumsy, scared and do stupid things and admit they do stupid things.

The other female (Ormond) is a cutthroat villain AKA bitch.

The show isn't pushing Communism you silly boy. It's the same walled "community" you see in Fear the Walking Dead and Walking Dead. Communities exists because they're generally safer than roaming around and camping by yourself. And anyways, that community seems to be gone, because of the Ormond villain AKA bitch. And the community wasn't really liked by the four kids. It was NOT providing them with a sense of belonging or real future, hence why they all left.

There's something about Right Wingers where they literally see everything through a filter of "How can I get more angry today". I was watching it for the writing, plotting, acting, pacing (overall it needs a LOT of work in many areas, and I'll give it a couple more shows to see if it improves). Not once did it cross my mind to think of politics, but apparently there's poor "victims" out there like you who have difficulty functioning and reading a book or watching a show without your sensitive alarms going off for nothing. What a waste of mental energy.


- Music is terrible pretty much ruins all of the scenes. Light hearted touchy feely garbage no thanks.

Probably the ONLY time PJ Harvey has been called Light hearted or touch feely, lol.
