What if the Bible DIDN'T condemn homosexuality?
Would there be half as many homophobes?
I wish Dylan Thomas was real so I could tell him he's awesome.
Would there be half as many homophobes?
I wish Dylan Thomas was real so I could tell him he's awesome.
The bible DOESN'T condemn homosexuality, people just love to discriminate gods words, A long time ago, Crazy Christian people said that the Earth was in the central of the universe, God didn't say that PEOPLE did. Also, people used the bible to prevent women from speaking out in church.
My cousin came out to the family on Christmas 2005, & I'll have to admit, at the time I was kinda creep'd out, not because it was gross, but because it was new to me, no one in our family had ever came out gay, & my dad has 9 brothers & 6 sisters, I took it maturely along with my girl cousin(s) & told him, we'll accept him, for who he is, not for who he sleeps with. But my crazy Christian aunts were bashing him ,telling him that he's wrong, the devil is inside of him, etc.
When people think of the word Gay, they think of the sexual part, but really being gay just means your attracted to the same sex, thats it, it never changes the same person you were before, my Cousin is still the same person he was before he FOUND OUT he was gay, & CHOOSE TO COME OUT.
Leviticus 18:22
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."
First of all, a lot of people get this one wrong, when they mean pedophiles, which is funny because 70% of pedophiles are STRAIGHT MARRIED MEN!
Also, this is in the same section in the bible where the bible also condemns shaving, getting a haircut, wearing mixed fabrics, so I guess were all going to hell for out unforgiving sins!
Also in the bible, eagles were an abomination, (Mascot of the USA)
God now knows that were not perfect, we all make mistakes, but he is a forgiving god, thats why he sent his son to die for our sins.
Actually....ummm...Leviticus was overturned when Jesus came around as he overrode the old testament for the new.
And there are condemnations against homosexuality in the new testament.
I do agree that anyone whondoes use Leviticus to champion any restriction should take all the verses in Leviticus and follow all of it.
Like no tattoos.
And there are condemnations against homosexuality in the new testament.
As if the bible would serve as the moral authority for millions of people--oh wait. There are far superior pieces of fiction in the literary world, try reading them.
shareYou replied to me. I sincerely hope that wasn't actually directed at me cause, um, the implication that I might consider the bible to be nonfiction is really, really insulting.
I am the sod-off shotgun.
The Bible doesn't condemn homosexuality, for a number of reasons. Even if you believe the Bible is the perfect word of God, the fact that there are so many different translations has to show that one cannot simply take it at face value, it must be studied and analyzed in a number of languages, including the original in order for anyone to truly understand it. A lot of stuff is lost in translation. In fact a lot of the parts about homosexuality, specifically the part condemning homosexuals to death was not part of many English language copies until at least the 1900's, or even more recently. One could also look to where homosexuality is supposedly condemned in the Bible. It is mainly condemned in the same parts that speak of laws against eating shell fish for example. Within this context you could argue that homosexuality, and its practices are more an issue of judeo/old testament law rather than something worse...SIN. In fact Jesus does not condemn homosexuality at all.
Now if you start taking into account of both that the Bible was put together by man, many years after the supposed events happened, there can be a lot of mistakes. I would also point out that many things were left out, added later, and changed around. So to me, it is is hard to take much of what it says seriously, especially when it is too inconsistent. On one hand condemning murder(which is justifiable to condemn) but on the other hand does not condemn rape, slavery and other things any decent person would condemn. The context of when it was written is another important place to look as slavery is no longer tolerated in most of our worldly society and we are better off for it. Cultures evolve and learn, many times for the better.
Yeh, um, the bible was written by ...... MEN. Not by God.
Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...share