I just could never figure this out. How exactly does homosexuality, and gay rights for that matter, personally effect you for the worst? I'm a straight guy, and have no interest in men. But I also don't see why this has to be such a huge issue. Is it really THAT big of a deal?
I hear this debated over and over these days and could never hear a straight answer. So religious reasons aside, why all the hate for gays exactly? If someone could PLEASE just give me a straight answer, that would be awesome.
If the entire population went homosexual and stayed that way, the human race would die out, barring a massive compulsory artificial insemination program or something similar. (Yet another government agency?)
If the entire population went heterosexual and stayed that way, the human race would continue on much as before.
If the continuing existence of the human race is not a positive issue, I don't know what is.
The possible nonexistence of the human race is something negative. And yes I am simple minded, simple enough to see the truth of that.
So, it is clear that the homosexuals depend on the heterosexuals for their very existence, and not the other way around.
Homosexuals are essentially a running joke, a la "You Know How I Know You're Gay" dialog between Paul Rudd and Seth Rogen in The 40 Year Old Virgin, and have been in all my actual life experience. The heterosexuals are expected by political correctness, or whatever you want to call it, to pretend that "gayness" is a legitimate "alternative lifestyle" via the gay media.
Speaking of negative, look at all of the negative expressions that have entered into our vernacular: that sucks, that blows, queer as a three-dollar bill, *beep* etc. each as a pejorative. I can't think of a single non-leering, positive expression that has emerged as a result of the practice of homosexuality or from the homosexual culture.
Also negative in its essence is "gay pride week" and all such efforts to propagandize gayness into legitimacy. Can you imagine "hetero pride week"?
It's no secret, but but something we tend to skirt around or avoid, like discussing sex with our teenage kids
"If the entire population went homosexual and stayed that way, the human race would die out, barring a massive compulsory artificial insemination program or something similar. (Yet another government agency?)"
You just responded to what I was going to say. The human race would still survive, though overpopulation would be a thing of the past. I'm also going to go out on a limb and guess you're a Republican because of your "yet another government agency" statement.
"If the entire population went heterosexual and stayed that way, the human race would continue on much as before.
If the continuing existence of the human race is not a positive issue, I don't know what is."
Agreed on both points. You probably don't know this but experiments with mice have shown that when in overcrowded quarters, greater percentages of them engage in homosexuality. This suggests homosexuality could be an evolutionary response to overpopulation.
"The possible nonexistence of the human race is something negative. And yes I am simple minded, simple enough to see the truth of that."
No, your words later in this post show how simple minded you are.
"Homosexuals are essentially a running joke, a la "You Know How I Know You're Gay" dialog between Paul Rudd and Seth Rogen in The 40 Year Old Virgin, and have been in all my actual life experience. The heterosexuals are expected by political correctness, or whatever you want to call it, to pretend that "gayness" is a legitimate "alternative lifestyle" via the gay media."
Such jokes moreso are about making fun of homophobes/homophobia. You could easily say the same thing about blacks, Jews, etc.
I personally expect tolerance, not acceptance, which you don't seem to be expressing either of.
"Speaking of negative, look at all of the negative expressions that have entered into our vernacular: that sucks, that blows, queer as a three-dollar bill, *beep* etc. each as a pejorative. I can't think of a single non-leering, positive expression that has emerged as a result of the practice of homosexuality or from the homosexual culture."
And you blame that on us? Things "sucking" and "blowing" apply to the act, which straight women engage in too. As I said, people say "That's Jewish" and "Stop your bitching". Do those not create negative conotations for those groups as well? It's nothing more then evidence of who is mainly in charge of pop culture.
"Also negative in its essence is "gay pride week" and all such efforts to propagandize gayness into legitimacy. Can you imagine "hetero pride week"?"
Every week is hetero pride week. They can walk down the street, holding hands anywhere without fear of being mocked/hurt/etc. Come to think of it, hetero pride week already exists, a la Mardi Gras and Spring Break. Also, I've been to gay pride events, and the only negativity is from the anti-gay protestors nearby. Otherwise it's nothing but love.
"It's no secret, but but something we tend to skirt around or avoid, like discussing sex with our teenage kids"
And that has shown to be a real failure, not homosexuality.
"Homosexuals are essentially a running joke, a la "You Know How I Know You're Gay" dialog between Paul Rudd and Seth Rogen in The 40 Year Old Virgin" >>>>>Such jokes moreso are about making fun of homophobes/homophobia.
When you have to explain the point of the jokes in The 40 Year Old Virgin to someone, you know they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. Basically every movie Seth Rogen is in has jokes which show how silly it is to have some problem with being gay. He's making fun of people like you, outsiderp.
Speaking of negative, look at all of the negative expressions that have entered into our vernacular: that sucks, that blows, queer as a three-dollar bill, *beep* etc. each as a pejorative. I can't think of a single non-leering, positive expression that has emerged as a result of the practice of homosexuality or from the homosexual culture.
And who do you think made that up? Overly-macho, insecure, so-called men who attack anything that's different from them. You've also invented things like, "you're such a pussy," "you throw like a girl..." Obviously because you guys have been in charge of things historically, you make up idiotic expressions that demean anyone not in your group! Idiot.
If you're implying that girls don't suck or blow their boyfriends, you are a sorry liar.
How would you like it if people said stuff like, "he's such a f-----g breeder," or "he's a brainless straight dude," or "he's a knuckle-dragging alpha male?" You'd be offended too, and it would serve you right!
South America, where half of the countries have either gay marriage or an equivilant union. At least there they don't face discrimination from the government.
Well, anyway - it's way easier to be gay in the USA. Try being gay in some rough south america country - then you will really see what hatred is.
You think it's so easy? Try living as a flamboyant, openly gay man in the Bible Belt for a year. Then you'll see how "easy" it is. Chances are you wouldn't last for one month, let alone one week. When pushed, most straight guys wouldn't dare pretend to be openly gay. Not so much because of their pride, but because they know in their hearts that they don't have the BALLS gay guys have to endure the ignorance and idiocy of homophobes.
I don't engage in gay bashing out of any genuine religious or moral principle or because I'm suppressing secret desires. For me, gay bashing is like picking on your little brother. You do it for the sport of it.
But when all is said and done, if boys are well-adjusted, they still love their little brothers and would never do any lasting harm consciously. Do you feel that way towards gay people? "Sport" also implies competition. Are gays your competition in some way?
I don't engage in gay bashing out of any genuine religious or moral principle or because I'm suppressing secret desires. For me, gay bashing is like picking on your little brother. You do it for the sport of it.
PotassiumMan you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Those so-called "men" who pick on others just because they're different are nothing but weaklings and cowards. Real men accept others' differences and are comfortable with themselves. It would serve you right if your "little brothers" got back at you big time. Read up on what happened at Stonewall in 1969. There was a police raid at a gay bar and the patrons fought back and even threw parking meters at the cops.
When big brothers pick on little brothers, they often get spanked and sent to bed without dinner. Any overly macho idiots or religious fanatics who harass gays deserve punishment, too. They deserve to get arrested and then bashed themselves.
I am no gay basher, and I believe that people of same-sex attraction have the same rights as everyone else and should be afforded those rights. Although I believe homosexual acts to fall outside the natural moral law, they should not be prosecutable under any state laws. I do not feel threatened by homosexually inclined people or by their sexual activity. I do however feel threatened by the restriction of freedom that is increasingly being suffered by those who don't approve of homosexual acts or of the gay lifestyle of of same- sex marriage. When a wedding photographer is fined for not taking on a gay wedding, when a doctor is required by law to act against conscience by artificially inseminate a lesbian, when J.P.'s are forced to resign for declining to perform homosexual weddings, when the gay lobby has the power to decide what apps iTunes will carry, when a university dismisses a professor for stating that the Catholic Church holds homosexual acts to be immoral, or in other case a professor is dismissed for saying environment might be a factor in sexual preference, when a student organisation is denied official recognition for upholding biblical sexual values, when a student is expelled from a program for refusing to approve homosexual acts, when a university files a grievance against a student for not writing a pro gay adoption letter to state legislature, Or when a student is forced into diversity-sensitivity training for expressing her view that homosexual acts are immoral, then it is not irrational for people of this belief to feel that their freedom is severely compromised and under further threat. And that time is now. All of the above have occurred in the USA in recent years, and the signs are that it's going to get worse.
A while back I compiled as many reasons as I could find that made legit sense (not the myths/remarks that couldn't be verified through reason or research - those of which are prejudice).
The PRO-SIDE presents evidence that past civilizations and Religious Institutions have faced this debate before. The Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches have celebrated and same-sex unions. Historians report that Ancient Rome, Egypt, and China all allowed same-sex marriage amongst their citizenry. The AGAINST-SIDE agrees that past societies, governments, and Religious Institutions have deemed such relationships appropriate. Yet our predecessors also supported and allowed things that we disagree with - our world and societies are not alike so much that we still don't have to reason this debate out as it relates to us here and now. If the past reasons are still relevant by all means use them to support your side but simply the fact that it's occurred in the past doesn't establish the right or wisdom.
The AGAINST-SIDE says that following your sexual desire to defining a relationship is already a problem in almost every traditional marriage. If love is so universal then why is it so important that you follow your specific sexual desires? The rein we give our sexual desires is causing lots of trouble with traditional marriage. Putting another OK on following sexual desire will increase an unhealthy amount of sexually-led relationships. That's not what you intend to happen - for sex and love are intertwined...but based on how humans in our society are operating with their sexuality that is what we think will happen. (And there are some on this side who believe that we need to fix the problems with perceptions of sexuality and traditional marriage to helping the greatest number of people in our society getting back on track rather than focusing so much on this heterosexual/homosexual debate). The PRO-SIDE says that marriage operates the same for any couple, despite whether they are two men, two women, or man and woman. The divorce rate won't change - one's sexual preference does not affect one's ability to love purely and with endurance. Homosexual and Heterosexual marriages will operate much the same because the relationship is much more dependent on partners' interaction styles and personalities. Though they may be limited in being able to reproduce independently these couples can still adopt a child or have an artificial insemination.
The PRO-SIDE says that homosexual couples can be just as able parents as heterosexual couples. Children raised by homosexuals are not turning out to be any less healthy or lacking. They see plenty of examples in society of men and women. They can receive loving care from both parents and do not impose or need other outside influences for their child to be raised well. The AGAINST-SIDE has said in the past that homosexual parents would lead to homosexual children and that the children of homosexual parents would be lacking of fatherly or motherly influence. Recent studies have proven that children are indeed capable of adjusting to homosexual parenthood without any ill effects but this side still maintains that the ideal representation of parenthood is given through the heterosexual parents because they believe there are differences between men and women that are not just physiological. Human personality/psychological is not compartmentalized away from one's biological design but intertwined.
The AGAINST-SIDE says that what desires anyone may feel is involuntary but our behavior, identity, and choice in which desires we feed and give rein to are choice-driven. Having the want/desire to do something does mean that we should, or even have to do it. No matter how powerful one's drive may be there is still some choice in who we want ourselves to be and in turn have reverse effects on our involuntary drives due to our adaptability. The PRO-SIDE says that homosexuals have no choice in who they feel attracted to. The desire arises as naturally for them as heterosexuals feel their desires. They shouldn't have to ignore this basic drive. Blindly following desires is unhealthy but this attraction doesn't bring about any ill effects. They should not have to choose to be otherwise.
The PRO-SIDE asks why do we allow sterile/infertile couples to get married? They have as little of a natural chance at procreation as homosexual couples. Homosexuals can get artificial insemination and/or adopt children. The AGAINST-SIDE says that sterile/infertile couples are limited by a physical condition that they have no control over their inability to procreate while homosexuality, rooted in one's attraction - is based more off of desire than physical condition. Homosexuality is a separation from a natural ability to procreate by choice, not by a medical ailment like being sterile.
The PRO-SIDE says that homosexual marriage is a civil rights issue. That society allows transgenders and pedophiles to marry yet denies them the right is a wrongful discrimination. Allowing couples to divorce for no strong reasons but not allowing homosexuals to marry their partner simply because they are the same gender is also discrimination. Unity and love are the only central aspects of marriage. Marriages have many purposes and roles in society but they are all based out of the bonding between the two people in the relationship. Despite whether your partner is the same sex as you or not, that bond can still be as strong and as beneficial as it ever has been. The AGAINST-SIDE says that homosexuality is not a civil rights issue because it is rooted more in attraction and desire (not race or biological sex). They have a choice in whether or not they follow those desires. Their argument basically boils down to feeling that because the desire is there, it should be followed. Transgenders and pedophile marriages along with our No-fault divorce are all evidence of holes in our current system that need fixing. Just because our system has problems doesn't justify homosexuality. We should be focusing on fixing those problems. Further more, if unity and love are the only central elements to marriage how would we argue against other taboo relationships...such as incest or polygamy? Those could demonstrate love and unity just as well as any marriage you see today. If we use that reasoning to support homosexuality down the road we will be supporting those too.
The AGAINST-SIDE says that being able to understand and appreciate differences will help unify us...but if we wander too far from our natural state and biological identity we'll very easily end up on a slippery slope. "The liberal policies of today are the conservative policies of tomorrow." We should understand differences but we feel allowing homosexual marriage would be setting the foundation for an unhealthier future. We should trust to our innate design rather than always be looking to be progressive. The PRO-SIDE says that being able to understand and appreciate differences will further unify us and make us stronger. Unity and love are the only central aspect of marriage. All other parts of our traditional perspective on marriage are optional and aren't necessary for a marriage to be successful. Being open to taking a hard look and evaluation of past perspectives is vital to creating a healthy future.
The PRO-SIDE says that marriage based upon sex is discriminatory. Governments can't support such a marriage design since it is unconstitutional. They are forcing you to have a partner who is the opposite sex yet in our Constitution basing decisions only off of someone's gender is in fact prejudice. If the government believes that male and female differences exist beyond their physical/biological make-up then they should use that as their base. And if they are expecting marriage to be a bridging of the gap between differences of the two sexes then why aren't we having to prove our personalities and strengths vary enough for the marriage to be a true team? The AGAINST-SIDE says sex is not a right as far as the Government is concerned. Our Bill of Rights does not contain anything about marriage or sex. The Constitutional Amendment merely states that rights are not to be denied based on sex (meaning whether you be male or female). The Government's interest in support of homosexual marriage can only come into being by action on part of the people. Some go further to believe that the Government's primary interest is focused on growth - that they can't endorse a lifestyle that doesn't procreate (procreation is an inherent position for them until the American people vote on a change). Marriage based on opposite sex is to bridge the gap between male and female psychology, skills, and mutual combination of each others' strengths.
The AGAINST-SIDE is focused on ideals like tradition, bridging gaps between the sexes, procreation, attachment to our biological identity, and lastly following moral/religious direction (Bible, Torah, Quran, etc.). The PRO-SIDE is focused on ideals like equality, recognition of each citizen's worth, self-respect, society can survive on it's own processes - not government engineering, and the re-evaluation of traditional perspective/progress. PERVERSION The AGAINST-SIDE says that homosexual acts are a common sign of sexual perversion. The cases of a heterosexual individual partaking so much in sexual acts soon becomes addicted and at the deepest levels of addiction the individual starts desiring an individual of their same gender for reasons ranging from the excitement of it's seemingly forbidden to the same gender now arouses more strongly than the naturally driven partners that the individual originally sought out. Many, if not all, homosexuals have had their natural desire twisted so that their desiring of the same gender feels normal and acceptable. The PRO-SIDE says that homosexuals are not necessarily perverted. For those who naturally desired a partner of the opposite gender homosexuality would be a perversion for them. But there are some who are born with these desires and have not turned homosexual by sexual addiction. For these individuals their homosexual desires are not a perversion.
The AGAINST-SIDE says that any argument in favor of same-sex marriage can only be sustained if one argues there is no vast difference between men and women and that we have little choice in who we are. If there is a difference between men and women then homosexual marriage becomes a mimicry of heterosexual relationships, rather than existing in it's own right. If we have choice over our own sexuality than the lifestyle is more built out of sexual perversion. The PRO-SIDE says that any argument against same-sex marriage can only be sustained with discrimination against homosexuals and their freedom to marry and follow their desire. The vast differences thought to have existed between men and women were pressed from Society's belief to the person...rather than drawn out from the person to Society's open-minded conclusion.
The PRO-SIDE says that the only persuasive arguments against same-sex marriage lie grounded in a normative vision of marriage as an institution. The idea of marriage as a role in society rather than ones based on true love and companionship is keeping us embedded with tradition rather than it's full purpose. Many of our opposition is narrow-minded and not open to the difference. They operate more out of fear and comfort with familiarity than with appreciation and openness. Their strongest arguments are based off procreation...the past importance of offspring in order to survive as a species and that we can't just reason out that part of our biological nature no matter how much progress our society may make. The AGAINST-SIDE says that the best argument for homosexual marriage is that the individual has the right to choose for themselves. Choice is a strong proponent of our nation's philosophy. The idea that homosexuals can enjoy the same relationship as heterosexuals means that the real difference between two partners isn't based in male/female design but rather in personality/psychological design. Biological designs have a strong influence but are not what really "call the shots" in our decisions, desires, and abilities. Such a distancing apart from our biology leaves us with little anchor as to keep us in check.
I, myself, am a strong proponent of the idea that our choices show and shape us into who we really are; far more than our traditions, desires, and biology. It is because of that belief in choice being so strong that I do not support homosexuality. Too much of the arguments I've seen for the Pro-side can only be supported if we don't have choices in who we are. How much choice do we have in who we are? If we have a lot of choice in who we are then justifying the pro-homosexual debate will not work (only if we are more run by desires and drives than choice can that lifestyle be seen as inseparable from simply being human).
Religion is nothing but a choice, so even if what you're saying about homosexuality is true (and it's not btw), then why should they get tons of special treatment and I am constantly denied civil rights.
BTW the 9th Circut just overturned Prop. 8. It appears they disagree with you.
Yes but that "choice" is being forced upon homosexuals. They are not choosing it by themselves. If you really think that a gay man will feel comfortable in a sexual relationship with a woman then why don't you try having sex with a gay man and tell me you felt comfortable yourself?
Do you really believe that after all this negativity and discrimination a person would still WILLINGLY chose to be gay? When the alternative makes life so much easier? They don't because they CAN'T. It's no more a matter of choice. Our psyche is as much a part of our being as our bodies are. Why would you try to to mutate it against someone's will? Is THAT morally right?
I'm afraid your question verges on the rhetorical. Without resort to faith no person could justify bashing - verbally or otherwise - another human for their sexual preferences in anything approaching a satisfactory manner.
The 2 main themes that seem to be running through this thread are-
1) That homosexuality is an unnatural practice therefore it is wrong. Unnatural has been defined (by this thread) as meaning either (i) sexual acts that do not involve the production of a child or (ii) relationships that do not adhere to a model of a family unit that is characterised by procreating (apparently monogomous) same sex partnerships and the resultant offspring.
2) That equality laws - i.e. that everyone in society should be treated in the same way - enable minority groups to hold sway over the majority. These arguments seem to fall into two categories: (i) that people expressing a hatred of other are prevented from doing so. For example; Christians are not allowed to convene groups that condemn homosexuals and state that they are going to hell forever for expressing their sexuality. (ii) A dislike of an individual's behaviour. For example; a person finding it offensive that a man would walk down the street with his top off during a gay pride march.
My reasoned rebuttal to this is:
1i) Puritanical nonsense! - hope you've never given/received oral sex or you my friend are an unnatural deviant. Anal sex is not exclusive to homosexuals neither is rampant promiscuity, AIDS or other STD's. Love, companionship and monogamy are not the exclusive domain of heterosexuals.
ii) There is no 'natural' family unit. This is a socially constructed idea and will vary from decade to decade and country to country if not state to state. A child that is brought up by people who loves and supports them is far better than forcing people to conform to some stereotype invented by ad execs in the 1950's. Would a pair of people who are the same sex but not in a sexual relationship and raising a child together be considered to be unnatural? If not, why does it matter whether they are having sex or not?
2i) There seem to be a few issue at play here - an acceptance that a statement no matter how hateful and abhorrent is justified if it is a religious belief; i) There is no proof of the existence of the supernatural (ii) Would it be acceptable if it was a Muslim group stating that all non Muslims should be executed? (iii) Threatening people with an eternity of torture for expressing themselves is acceptable (iv) That homosexuality is a belief or lifestyle choice. Heterosexuality is not a belief or lifestyle. There may be certain beliefs or lifestyles that define themselves as being heterosexual but one does not follow the other. For example a man may have a sexual relationship with a woman and also watch football. This does not mean that watching football is a heterosexual past time. The media may represent football as a heterosexual past time but that does not make it so.
ii) Condemning a whole subsection of society because of the actions of a few is pretty ignorant. Or do you have empirical evidence that all homosexuals behave in this way?
In conclusion, having hopefully relied on reason and logic I will now engage in some unsubstantiated and wild speculation. - the chat about the hardwiring of hatred towards homosexuals seems to be pretty ridiculous in justifying bigotry and providing a salacious hetero fantasy; firstly I'm sure the straight cavemen would have been happy to oblige the local cavewoman; secondly I doubt whether cavemen identified as being gay or straight - they may well have engaged in both homo and heterosexual relationships. As mentioned already I have no evidence and have read very little on the matter but would speculate that homosexual behaviour does serve a purpose in terms of human evolution and it is undeniable that homosexual individuals and communities have hugely enriched human society in innumerable ways.
I don't see how I can deny someone a right to marry same sex, bicycle, tree, umbrella, cow, ship, car and etc. If you want to be that dumb knock yourself out, you have my blessing.
I don't see how I can deny someone a right to marry same sex, bicycle, tree, umbrella, cow, ship, car and etc. If you want to be that dumb knock yourself out, you have my blessing.
Funny, you try to make yourself sound tolerant, but your condescension and patronizing tone give yourself away. Anyone with half a brain knows that bicycle, trees, umbrellas, cows, ships, cars, other inanimate objects, children, and other animals CAN'T SIGN MARRIAGE CONTRACTS. Duh.
Apparently ardent support for polygamy and incest are legitimate reasons to gay bash.
"I don't like black people in general"
This is a very good example as to why the gay rights struggle is almost over. People like you have helped to clearly establish who truly has right on their side. Good luck in your personal struggles to marry your sister or your mother.
I don't like black people in general but I'll make an exception as this guy makes very good anti-gay arguments
I hope you at least do understand how comments like that at least make you seem less than open-minded. The tag pic with the card about "only inferior white woman" dating outside their race is a bit telling too.
But hey, much as I disagree am in full support of your right to say what you do. If I suport your censorship I am supporting that of myself down the road.
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What a greate step in our evolution, to accept more and more human anomalies, what's next? accept pedos because they are a minority too? How come 99% of the pedos are also homos and regarding the title i think is self-explanatory.
What a greate step in our evolution, to accept more and more human anomalies, what's next? accept pedos because they are a minority too? How come 99% of the pedos are also homos and regarding the title i think is self-explanatory.
You can't compare pedophilia with homosexuality. Pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubertal children. That is, children under the age of 13. And pedophiles are not necessarily child molestors. Child molestors actually coerce, drug, and rape children. Gay adults generally want to be with other consenting adults of the same sex. AND ANOTHER THING. Psychologists will tell you that the majority of child molestors are STRAIGHT MEN. Just the same: most of the guys who rape other guys in prison are STRAIGHT MEN. Open a book sometime. You might learn something.