I agree. I'm not really plugged into mainstream media and I generally don't keep up with Hollywood, reason why, I figured, I hadn't heard anything about this movie until I'D recently stumbled upon a DVD version... yet I always seem to hear about all the crap that gets the least bit of hype. Anyhow, caught a few overly-negative reviews and many sour comments post-viewing and I was equally surprised, growing increasingly annoyed the more I read (things like: "This movie sucks. Gave it a 3 because I hated that weird foreign music throughout, specially during that fight scene on the plane. Rap or hard rock is more appropriate to a fight scene. I could get into that, but not that weird *beep* Killed it for me."
That's just one of many examples which, in the end, say more about the reviewer and the sad state of culture than about the movie.
What comes across, strongly, in many comments is some sort of ungrounded bias (which is hard to pin) filtered through specific complaints that demonstrate both naivete and "having missed the point"--it really ought to not be viewed as an action thriller (lotsa "realism" complaints seem to come from die-hard action fans), but as a comedy, a parody targeting the ridiculousness in Hollywood's favoured action-film tropes. In this sense, it is an absolutely brilliant, hilarious film, and one that also delivers plenty of well-choreographed action, all delivered in a tongue-in-cheek manner that manages, for people like me I suppose, to poke fun at the John Woo-types' absurdity. And yet, ironically, this film is what's good about Hollywood; this is the kind of brain-bubble-gum Hollywood actually gets right and needs to do more of, IMO.
The escape scene as seen from Diaz' semi-conscious character: genius!
And the Argentinian Tango music, though more electronic than I like, was a wonderful, judicious choice... People need to step outside of their mental enclosures and preconceptions. This film is guaranteed fun for anyone able to do so.
Ignorance is bliss... 'til it posts on the Internet; then, it's annoying.