hmmm, remember taste in films is like taste in music - everyone is different.
This film had some dodgy camera work (though some might say this added to the realism and helped suspend disbelief), the script was kind of lame but fit the purpose, there wasn't much going on, for a martial arts film there wasn't much martial arts!
............. But I loved it. The film succeeded where 99.8% out of all Hollywood movies fail really badly - It was full of emotion. The kind of emotion that hits you when you believe someone in front of you is really passionately upset or hurt by something that stuck a blade right through their hart. I can count on 3 hands the number of films where I believe the pain and emotion I'm seeing onscreen is real. Films that succeed in this respect stay with me for a very long time where as 99.8% of films are easily forgotten.
so in short the content of the film was poor and predictable but the emotive feel of the movie over rode everything else and held my attention throughout (to do this a film maker needs some serious skills). Not all films need to be "Hollywood blockbusters that smash and bang from one scene to the next!