Anyone watching?

My impression so far

- Adam and Jenna are constantly suspicious of each other. That won’t last
- Adam is a good chef
- Georgia’s talking and singing voices are annoying. Marbled.
- Glenn seems like a great guy to work for
- Parker suffers from Dunning-Kruger
- Madison is a serial eye roller. Funny at first but getting old.
- The guests are all low class money burners


Yeah, I liked it.

Adam & Jenna's romance was cringe though.


i am on episode 05 right now.

it's not bad! i love the sails and the constant tipping of the yacht. also the captain is hilarious.. he's climbing the mast, and carrying suitcases. LOL

the chef and chief stew are annoying together.. and the 2nd stew is working WAY too hard


I'd be interested to see one episode , just to check the layout , and see the boat
pretty sure the reality show element would make me nauseus before long

i'm pretty sure "real sailors" would be horrified with the guests i imagine they have on this thing
