Worth watching?

I didn't care for the trailer. Saw it's got an 8+ imdb score, though I don't trust those at all any more. I think I'd rather rewatch Freejack which has a 5.4 on IMDB. (Although my memory of it is that it is pretty terrible, but quite watchable at the same time.)

Anyway, not to derail into a discussion of Freejack, the question remains, is the Little Things worth watching?


IMDb rating is in the low 6s.

I personally rate it a 5/10.

There's some good acting and a little bit of suspense.

But most of the film is slow and boring.

If you have HBO Max it's OK, I would not pay separately just to watch this movie.


Huh, you're right about the IMDB score, I wonder if I was looking at the wrong movie.


I agree with the 5, this is not good. I really don't understand why they keep hiring Jared Leto. To me it seems like they wanted Joaquin Phoenix, but they had to settle for this guy.






Not worth watching. So many misfires happen through out, and you think it might get interesting and it doesn't. Some really dumb stuff happens, with little pay off. skip it.


Ignore the critics, watch it.
Denzel as his usual, Jared excellent. Good movie. Slow, but good.


I did watch it. I did not think it was good. I disagree on Leto, but he's never been a favorite of mine either.


What did you dislike about it?


I didn't care about any of the characters. And they made such dumb decisions.


It was enjoyable, nothing terrific
A decent thriller with some interesting actors


Denzel Washington is one of my all-time favorite a actors and has starred in some of my favorite movies (e.g. Glory, Remember the Titans, The Hurricane, Training Day, Man on Fire, American Gangster, Roman J. Israel Esq., Flight) . So, because Denzel stars, my admittedly biased opinion is it worth watching. I haven't seen it yet, but I refuse to believe the great Denzel Washington would stoop to starring in the sort of politically propagandistic tripe that Hollywood is so zealous about pushing out nowadays.

So, go see it in a theater if you still can. Hollywood as we know it is dying, and this may be one of your last chances to watch a Hollywood icon on the big screen. I think I just swayed myself to go see it in a theater,


It's not good and cinemagoing is dead


Hear, hear. It's too long and boring AF. Basically about two murderous cops.


It's pretty boring unfortunately. Denzel Washington isn't bad and Jared Leto is actually good but they deserve a better film. Rami Malek was miscast as this hotshot detective.
