Best lines

"I say we go back to the evil lair, grab some ray guns, hold 'em sideways, and just go all gangsta on him!" hahahahaha I died when she said that. What do you think the best lines were?


"Warming up? The SUN is warming up?!"


"Warming up? The SUN is warming up?!"

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.


Too many to choose from:


"Sorry! He's just not used to positive feedback!"

Megamind: "Because of whaa?!" (When Metro man says he wants to be Music man)


Megamind: "Minion! You were right! I was...less right!"

------Jesus loves you, but only as a friend.------



On the way out of prison, walking past the tied up warden who says "good luck!" Megamind says...

"We're going to DIE!"

Cracked me up.


In the elivator before he blows up th museum

"I wouldn't stay here for more than 2 minutes and 37 seconds. We're having the walls and ceiling removed..."

And then Roxanne replies: "Whoa, that sounds like quite the renovation."


Is that Gasoline I smell..? - Eric Draven


then a bit later...megamind waits for the building to blow up.

'only the future....-'...building blows up.....'AHHHH!!.. ohh! i'm too close! i'm genuinely scared right now! ohhH! i hope noone's seeing this!'


"Going off the rails on a crazy train, sir!"


Good luck on your date!

I will!!
