MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City (2008) Discussion > Carrie and Miranda had no other relation...

Carrie and Miranda had no other relationships during the separations

I just found that curious, since in the show they broke up with Big and Steve, respectively, multiple times and were always dating a new guy within the next couple of episodes. Also, they were much, much more traumatized by the breakups in the movie than on the show. I know here Carrie had been in a long term relationship with Big for the first time and Miranda was actually married to Steve as opposed to just dating him, but I just found it worthy of commenting on that the breakups here affected them MUCH more than they did on the show.


Well the relationships were more serious by the time they ended and I think when you reach a certain age, there's less of a pool for guys TO date (see Enid) and you're just less desiring going out with another guy. Maybe at 20 you bounce back by having a rebound fling but at 40 maybe you just realize you need some time alone to heal.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Whenever I see Big eating alone on New Year's Eve, I always wondered if he had hooked up with anyone during their separation? Not necessarily a relationship but just a casual thing.


He did, but it wasn't good, all the way through he kept missing Carrie. It was mentioned in the cast commentary.


Not for Sam.


This was also really hard for me to get over. In the series, they would always bounce back so fast and date around by the next episode. For the first time they were all acting lovesick. Which is fine but it's just weird after 6 seasons of totally contradicting behaviour....


Marriage makes things a lot more intense and complicated. People hardly ever get married or plan to get married to have it end in divorce. Marriage is supposed to be for forever and when it doesn't turn out that way it can be devastating.
