MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City (2008) Discussion > So many things bother me about this film...

So many things bother me about this film...


Carrie was selfish. Oh, it's HER wedding, it's HER day, it's HER humiliation. Not a single moment of wedding planning was apparently spent with Big ... or his wishes taken into account... for example, he wanted a small wedding and she didn't even inform him until it was done that she'd bumped it up to 200 people. When he turned the car around and told her he was ready, that he'd had a moment of cold feet... she just smashed him with the roses and that was that.
There were multiple signs that he was starting to feel anxious. Over and over. Wouldn't it be common sense on the day of the wedding to call him? Make sure he's doing okay as well? Seriously. There was more than one phone in the building BEFORE she left it.

On top of that, her friend ... who had been in a long term marriage and had a baby with her husband... just found out her husband had been cheating on her and she'd JUST separated from him. Yet here Carrie was, continually going on about Big, about her problems, about this and that. Three friends to care for HER but who cared for Miranda?

I also was annoyed by the whole 'dead and flattened bird on head' thing. Not that stylish. What did the designer do... go out with a sledgehammer and find a pretty bird for Carrie's headpiece? Urgh.

Also... what was with Charlotte's racism towards Mexico? I'm not American and I'm not sure if this is common... a distrust of Mexicans... but seriously. She wouldn't even eat their fruit and veges? Drink their water? I doubt that her bowls reacted to something in the water itself. It was just her anxiety.

In fact, let's just go with all racism. What's with Miranda just barging into someone's apartment while they're still moving out?

I'm just confused by the whole attitude offered by the 'heroines', honestly. Is that how I'm supposed to act as a woman?


Charlotte wasn't being racist at all! Ever heard of Montezuma's revenge? Fear of getting sick from the water and food was her issue, not Mexicans.

My problem with Carrie is that, through the entire series, she was always justifying Big's actions. In her defense about the wedding, even though it was his third marriage, it was her first. Why shouldn't she have the big wedding and why wasn't it discussed from the beginning? If he had told her from the get go that he wanted to keep it under 100 guests, it probably wouldn't have gotten so out of hand.

I really wanted to bitch slap Big's work colleague for making those comments at the rehearsal dinner. Even after Samantha yelled at him, he still threw one more comment in.

IMO, Steve's cheating was way worse than leaving Carrie at the altar.

Lastly, Smith is hot!!


So many things bother me about this...the fact that it was ever made for starters!


"Charlotte wasn't being racist at all! Ever heard of Montezuma's revenge? Fear of getting sick from the water and food was her issue, not Mexicans."

So everyone that vacations there just eats pudding?

Love means never having to say you're ugly. - The Abominable Dr. Phibes


The blatant and open racism and disdain Americans show toward Mexico is grotesque.

I wish I could eat you so I could vomit you


All right, how can you be "racist" against WATER? One, other posters have stated the reasons for not drinking the water. Two, it's not like she said, "Oh, and whatever you do, don't touch a Mexican! They're all filthy!".


Seems like subtlety totally escapes you. You don't need to make a super open, direct and obvious statement for it to be racist. Most racist statements hardly are. You have to be extremely naive to think that her attitudes in Mexico were not influenced by racism.

I wish I could eat you so I could vomit you


Boudicca you're really reading something that isn't there. You are just making up things to complain about.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Oh Jesus---racism again?!?! If you think Americans are soooo racist why do you degenerates risk life and limb to come to MY country. LEAVE if you don't f'in like it.

Also something no one is addressing here: getting dysentery from Mexico is the LEAST of your worries there! Be glad if you make it out alive.

You Mexicans (and many other cultures) are the racist here! Get over it or pack up and move on. Period.


I actually like this film but you pointed out everything that bugs me about it.


OH MY GOD. Charlotte was being overly careful about the food/water in a foreign land. And get this part too, people: Charlotte was already pregnant while in Mexico, she just didn't know it yet!! So of course her tummy and her hormones are already messing around with her.

Am I right or am I right or am I right? Right? Right?? ~~ Ned Ryerson


Yes! Racist against food....I've never heard such a moronic idea! Wow. And I think you're right about Charlotte's pregnancy. Chalk it up to women's intuition that told her don't eat the food!


But why should he get to dictate everything about the wedding. he had already had 2 weddings. This was her first. When Big married Natasha he didn't exactly go down to the courthouse. No there was a big splashy wedding. So why shouldn't carrie get her splashy wedding?

All through their relationship Carrie had to walk on eggshells around Big. Always making sure he was happy, always making sure he wouldn't freak out. Why should she have to keep doing that when they were getting married?

If the guy was freaking out about the marriage that was on him, not on her. She shouldn't have to marry him at the courthouse so as not to spook him.


Excellent point.



Charlotte's "racism" to Mexico, huh?

First off, she wasn't being racist at all. Racism is directed towards individuals or a group of people as a whole, not places. So your use of this term in this context is incorrect. She was merely being cautious about the water, and rightfully so!

Second...I'm guessing you have never been to Mexico based on the level of ignorance contained in the content of your comments about it. Their water contains bacteria and microbes that clean American water does not, and if you are not used to ingesting it, you WILL get very, very sick. It's called Montezuma's Revenge and it's said to be the bane of lax Mexican tourists. I can assure you that it has put many unfortunate tourists in hospital with dehydration. It's some of the worst diarrhea one can get. I have been several times to different parts of Mexico and I can assure you that this movie did NOT exaggerate the level of caution a foreigner must take whilst staying in Mexico temporarily. It becomes very tedious, but one must brush their teeth with clean water and be very careful not to ingest any Mexican water whilst in the shower. And this is true of ANYPLACE in Mexico, including the so-called 5-star resorts! Sticking to bottled water and foods canned or sealed in plastic in America is definitely a good idea while one is in Mexico, and it's NOT racist to do so! Believe me, I have seen the ugly consequences of a lazy tourist eating a local piece of fruit grown with Mexican water! Also, let's not forget about the infamous Corona Beer scandal wherein it was discovered back in the 1980's that there was human urine found in sealed bottles of Corona coming out of their factories in Mexico. It pays to be cautious. And being cautious is NOT racism.

You seem to be very consumed with racism as a whole. Miranda going in to an empty apartment in New York City after the tenants had moved out and were therefore no longer there (whose race, by the way, we have NO idea of, so who's to say it's racism to begin with?) is perfectly fine, especially considering it was no longer the former tenants' apartment anyway. No harm, no foul. Also, she ended up renting the place, so she actually did the landlord a favour by "barging in" and looking at it.

I'm not sure where you got the idea that these four characters are supposed to be considered heroines. They are just four NYC women living their lives just like everyone else. They certainly weren't marketed as heroines here in America at any time.

^*^ PDB ^*^


-During the valentine scene, Carrie obviously says that she was beyond selfish about everything concerning the wedding.
