It makes sense that he wouldn't invite colleagues/associates. It also makes sense that he probably doesn't have many if any real friends. Carrie jokes about him not having friends, and we rarely see him with any males. We see him with angry divorced guy 2-3 times (seems like a pity thing though with that guy), he can't remember the name of the 'friend' that he doesn't introduce Carrie to, the guy speaking at the rehearsal dinner is a tool, the guy he's talking to at the 'ugly purse' party gets Carrie's name wrong. No one is there for him when he has heart surgery. He moves to Paris for business, he moves to Napa just for a change - Nothing really seems to be tying him to NY. He also comes to Carrie for a shoulder to cry on when the movie star breaks up with him. It's easy to believe he doesn't have any real friends other than Carrie. Maybe that's intentional to show that he really does appreciate her despite their relationship problems.