Absolutely! And women too. I am one of those who in middle age does not have a bunch of buddies. In fact, as an introvert I am happier that way. Social media and magazines and our general culture makes everyone feel as though they should have a lot of friends who we should always be around and having "girls night out"--- or that men are all about sports and hanging with their "bros". It's simply not true. Especially into your 30's and 40's. People's lives and priorities (should anyway) change with age. Remember, Big had two prior short marriages and he had NO children. Most people by his age have children and with that comes a big disconnect with those like Big (and Carrie for that matter) who did not have children. I speak from experience, as I have no children. Many of the friends I had when I was younger now have children and a marriage or two under their belts by now. And this has just simply caused many of us to grow apart.
On top of that, it is harder to find people we have things in common with as we get older. It's always harder to form new friendships as we age, but add to that being in a small minority of not having children and wow....it's like a needle in a haystack to find people who you'd even want to be friends with! Again, I speak from experience.