MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City (2008) Discussion > worse: jilted at the altar or divorced a...

worse: jilted at the altar or divorced after 2 weeks?

i was watching the movie with my friend tonite and she said she would rather her bf go through with the wedding then separate a few wks later rather than be embarassed in front of everyone she knows. i say no way - id rather get jilted and let everyone know my bf was a jerk. like charlotte says - the only thing worse than being 36 and single is being 36 and divorced! she says no - it's better to have had a little love than be single...


This thread tells me why the divorce rate is what it is. People see divorce as such an easy option and choice lol. Is this the Twilight Zone?

I'd rather be left before the wedding than go through with it and have to experience divorce. I would not be humiliated. It's not my fault my fiancé is an extreme douche, and at least I'd know right then rather than to find out after becoming legally tied. I would be extremely hurt, but I would move on and that person would never get another chance with me again, ever.

you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.


What does it matter if the divorce rate is high? Why shouldn't divorce be an easy option? Why is it hard to understand that people have a different opinion than you?

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Wow, i'm getting a bit of twilight zone vibe off this thread myself as it appears people are saying that even with former knowledge that their partner no longer loves them or is no longer committed to them, they would still want to go ahead with the wedding and 'then just get divorced later'. Huh?! Because of embarrassment? Where's the integrity, dignity and self respect in that? It's a total farce just for what? To save face? Those same guests are going to feel even worse/pity you even more when they get their gifts back in a few weeks. Assuming they would return the gifts/money knowing they were given to them based on a facade.


I had a friend left 3 weeks after the wedding...she never suspected he had a GF...would have been much easier on the heart and legally before the walk down the aisle
