MovieChat Forums > Recount (2008) Discussion > Bush is a smart man! The nation is doin...

Bush is a smart man! The nation is doing fine!

Bush has been good for the nation. Only little kids like you think it is bad. Bush makes stupid trailer park trash fight our wars. He makes dumb kids work crap jobs so rich guys like me can make more money. The country is perfect! I am not fighting and I am making all of the money. This sounds good to me! :) Katrina was stupid minority people whining about being poor! I don't care about them. Iraq is a huge success and we will have a peaceful nation there in a few years. Have you seen Carter? Carter was a moron and so was Clinton. Bush has a degree from Yale and Harvard and is smarter than any President within the last 50 years except Reagan.



Am I the only one here seeing that Pimpdaddy is obviously a troll, and getting a kick out of seeing people get angry over his comments? His comment about Bush having a big penis seems like a pretty dead giveaway.


You're all idiots (except the few who copped on what the OP is doing). What he has managed to do is turn the tables and show that its as easy to fool democrats as republicans. The world is *beep*ed.


Pimptaddyone- you are absolutely correct President Bush is a towering intellectual of our times.

Take 9/11, only Bush was smart enough to spot that secular nationalist gangster Saddam Hussein was in league with Islamic fundamentalists like Bin Laden.

Most people with even a tiny grasp of Middle Eastern politics argued that anyone who believes that must need their head examining but this did not deter the wise president from his succesful war in Iraq- and look how much safer the world is now.


Joke or not I can't help but comment here. I just finished watching this movie for the first time and it brought up a lot of very strong feelings from me in regards to the 2000 election. It was the first time I was old enough to vote in an election, and because of the outcome for a long time I wondered if i could ever trust our political system OR the rule of law ever again. The judicial branch of the United States, an entity that we have historically trusted to keep our nation's conscience decided who would preside over our country. To show they themselves KNEW the decision was crap, they added a opinion to the case stating that their decision should only apply in THIS CIRCUMSTANCE ONLY!!! For a court whose entire legitimacy is based on setting precedent they decide that their decision in this matter should be applied once, FOREVER!! I had to remember that what I was watching on the screen ACTUALLY HAPPENED. For a moment i thought i was watching some political thriller, but this really HAPPENED! Here we are eight years later with the biggest deficit in history, engaged in a war in Iraq, the WRONG country to attack after 9/11 that seems to be unending at best and will not have a positive outcome no matter how long we stay there, the same war costing us around 10 billion every month with our own economy in absolute shambles. Our military is in dire straights and if we were attacked on our own soil right now we wouldnt have the military to defend it, keep that in mind for all of you gung ho military enthusiasts. At large the rest of the world hates us and we have fallen behind in almost every category from technology to education and all of this can be placed squarely on George Bush's doorstep. For a man who was not elected to run this country, he has run it into the ground in a mere eight years. Well DONE George, my grandchildren will be paying for your mistakes, I hope you had a fun ride while it lasted.


The title honestly made me laugh "George Bush is a smart man!" the expectations in this country are really low if you believe in that statement.


A really sad thing is that bush was RE-"elected" in 2004...


Give credit to Karl Rove for that.LOL


I think its sadder that Bush's successor is trying to go for the gold of being the worst US President. The bar had been sent low and Obama is excelling at it, his Presidency is a joke.


"Bush has been good for the nation. Only little kids like you think it is bad. Bush makes stupid trailer park trash fight our wars. He makes dumb kids work crap jobs so rich guys like me can make more money. The country is perfect! I am not fighting and I am making all of the money. This sounds good to me! :) Katrina was stupid minority people whining about being poor! I don't care about them. Iraq is a huge success and we will have a peaceful nation there in a few years. Have you seen Carter? Carter was a moron and so was Clinton. Bush has a degree from Yale and Harvard and is smarter than any President within the last 50 years except Reagan. "

Even so often somebody gets on here that has scored some great drugs. The above message proves that Pimptaddyone is one such person.


How do you feel about what you wrote now?
