Well - the initial invasion of Iraq, which this depicts, was not exactly a "hard" mission.
Not to undermine the US soldiers who did get killed... But the kill ratio of Saddam's popular Iraqi Army, Republican Guard, Fedayeen Saddam, etc. was like 1000:1; if not worse.
They were stupid to try and fight a standard war against the invading Americans, and British. It wasn't even what you'd call a "war." The Iraqi forces, when they did challenge, were wiped out horribly - dispatched quickly, and brutally.
Google "General Ra'ad Hamdani" and see his interview on youtube, and with PBS (written transcript - no video). He talks about how they were routed on April 2-3 when they tried to counter-attack the advancing Americans. How they lost all their armored vehicles, and tanks - literally not a single one undamaged. ANd this was the creme de la creme of Iraqi army; the Republican Guard. The popular army wasn't nearly as well trained, paid, and equipped.
That's what happens when you have air superiority, especially.
But overall, the Americans didn't meet much resistance anyway, and that they did, was quickly routed.
General Hamdani suggested to Saddam that they fight a Guerrilla war style - similar to Vietnam - stay hidden in the cities in civilian clothes. Hit and move style attacks, etc. He suggested only using a partial display of force aka standard warfare engagements, but overwhelming majority utilize guerrilla tactics. Ironically, when the civilians (most thought to actually be former Republican Guard members) started fighting like this, the death roll of Americans increased exponentially. Had they initially engaged in this style, with the remaining armored vehicles, and tanks they had left, could have been utilized MUCH more effectively, and they likely would have held out Baghdad from falling for 8 months, rather than three weeks. It would have been really ugly, casualty wise for Americans.
Anyway, this war was over before it even begun. A lot of top security officials, and Republican Guard, and Army officers had already cut deals with the CIA, and surrendered. They knew it was going to be like Gulf War all over again, only worse...
We had already obliterated most of Saddam's weapons during the Gulf War... Hell, they still hadn't rebuilt a lot of their basic infrastructure from over a decade ago. The sanctions were CRIPPLING... Never has a country been so heavily sanctioned for so long. So that, coupled with the fact most had already agreed to surrender, meant this wasn't even a war... It was a "slight" peep of a resistance by those who remained loyal...
SO yeah - if by boring you mean little to no armed combat engagements, and heavy, dangerous firefighting, then yes; it was like this. We steamrolled in... HOWEVER, if this depicted what it was like for soldiers from late 2003-2011/12, then you'd have seen A LOT more enemy engagements, and a lot more firefighting.. And loss of American soldiers.. Almost 5,000 soldiers have been killed in the decade post-invasion... Compared to like the 30 deaths or so (if that) during the initial taking of Iraq, and subsequent fall of Baghdad.