Favourite / least favourite Marine?
Kocher / Godfather for me
Ray Person / Encino Man
shareFavourites so far (I'm on ep5):-
3)Godfather (not really sure why, he just seemed badass...)
4)Doc (for his open criticism of Encino Man)
Not so favourites:-
1)Captain America
2)Encino Man
4)Sgt Major "Grooooomin Standarrrrd" Sixta
S-O-C-O-Double "L" My name is not Norman but still I rock well...
Faves: Ray and Iceman and Fick (2 smart outsiders plus one calm intelligent leader)
Least favourite: Trombley (because I hate the thought of governments arming psychopaths) and Casey Kasem (because the posts of his I've read constantly badmouthing the other marines proves in my mind that he really was the geniuine a-hole he was portrayed as in the series even if he has some excuses for his actions -- his inability to correctly use plurals, possessives and the proper choice of there/their/they're gets him a black mark in my book too)
As much as I'd hate to have Encino Man or Captain America in charge of me, what I read elsewhere suggests that they were both otherwise decent people who were in way over their heads or unable to deal with the pressure.
And, as the ending showed, I think Sixta and Godfather were the most misunderstood.
Honorable Mention:
Gunny Wynn
Kocher ( the character and the real Kocher, but I can't remember his character'e name)
Least Faves:
Captain America
Casey Kasem
Encino Man ( though I think he was just more stupid that mean)
But, in the end, I really didn't hate any of them, well maybe Casey Kasem, because he was flat out malicious, manipulative and spiteful. But the others were at least trying to do their best, even though they often fell short.
Trombley was scary in a crazier than *beep* kind of way, but he wasn't a bad guy in that he was dishonest, disloyal, etc. He was just a wee bit of a homicidal maniac with psychopathic tendencies! ;)
I am not sure how I feel about the Godfather. He was hard for me to figure out, but he did seem to have a tendency to for self aggrandizement and I felt he could have done more to care for his troops.
Favourite: Lieutenant Nate Fick - Competent, confident and cared for his platoon. I'm looking for a copy of his book.
Least Favourite: Gunnery Sergeant Casey Kaseem - An *beep* brown noses the company commander and tries to get Fick relieved of his command.
Fav: Colbert, Fick, Doc and Pappy (especially after reading the book)
Least Fav: Encino Man, Casey Kasem
Now, everyone who has picked their favourites should also read the book, which is excellent. The show would lead everyone to believe that all of the Marine officers leading the Recon Bn. are Recon Marines themselves, but this is not the case. Encino Man was an intelligence officer before being assigned to Recon. With that in mind, I think the mistakes he made were merely from the fact that his career had been built around an entirely different environment than he was operating in at that time. His MOS was built around gathering data and analyzing it, not leading Marines in combat operations. So the fact, for example, that he didn't know the term "danger close" wasn't as surprising, because intel people don't call in artillery fires. Now, I realize he WAS leading troops in the field, so he should have sought that information out, and that's definitely a gig on him. But knowing his background makes one more sympathetic.
Also, as has been mentioned on this board before, Casey Kasem exonerated himself in the Recon Bn's Iraq deployment of 2006. Some of the troops in the lead elements (with SSgt Kocher now in Colbert's old humvee) came under fire from a well defended position. Casey Kasem led Marines in a flanking maneuver and knocked out the position. According to the book, the Marines of 1st Recon had a VERY different opinion of him after that.
One other character that I didn't much care for in the show was Meesh, the translator. I thought he was a slick opportunist who took advantage of his people for personal gain. But then I read in the book that Meesh was actually Kuwaiti, which makes a lot of sense. He lost some family when the Iraqis invaded Kuwait, so it made perfect sense that he would use the opportunity to get his digs in on those who attacked his home. Reading all that actually helped my opinion of him quite a bit.
I've watched the show a few times now. I have so many favourites. From first viewing my faves have been
-THE ICEMAN (Stay Frosty, Gents)
-Espera (So fascinating to watch him)
-Doc Bryan
-And I love you, Fruity Rudy!
But on second and third view I really fell in love with Q-Tip. I know he's not that main but I think he's brilliant. So funny. Also Manimal, Kocher and Lilly.
And then the ones I get physically angry watching, Captain America and Encino Man.
Sixta is too funny to hate.
"You don't step on stage to eat, you go there to be eaten." - Tom Hardy
Favorites: Fick and Iceman
Least favorite: Qtip and Rudy (these two were hard to watch for me. so damn annoying)
My favorites: Fick, Brad, Ray.
The banter between Brad and Ray was funny.
Least favorites: Captain America and Sixta.
Finally finished first view.
Love: Colbert, Doc
Other strong likes: Fick, Espera, Kocher
Didn't really love, but found amusing: Person
Feel Bad For: Captain America
Annoyed by: Encino Man
Torn about: Trombley, Godfather. I haven't noticed this observation in the thread, so maybe it's all in my head, but there was something Godfather said in the last episode that suggested to me he was a lot like Trombley. It gave me the impression that people like Trombley, (scary as they are,) probably make it further in the marines than people like Fick and Colbert. (Edit: on rewatch, there was another moment that linked Godfather to Trombley. I wish I'd written it down. Oh well.)
I've seen Trombley referred to as a sociopath. Frankly, sure he might be, but I don't think he's smart enough to be a good one. But that Trombley/Godfather link reminds me of stories about how most CEOs are probably sociopaths/psychopaths. It wouldn't be any less true for war-time military than for capitalistic society--people who lack empathy have an advantage. And if they just get hard-ons in danger, then they face the danger and either die or rise up the ranks.
I dunno. I just finished the show and I'm rambling.
HATE: Casey Kasem. What an *beep*
No one mentioning Alphas commander? He seemed to be just as competent and caring as Fick, who could be a little bit too much sometimes.
He didnt try to chase medals (pretty much ignoring any the credit Godfather is giving him), and has a lot more of commanding attitude then the rest.
Hes calm and in control, chewing on some snacks while mortars are dropping down on him.
He never seems to casually joke or **** around and always remains sharp and serious.
Plus he gave Encino-man a beating at the end.
What happened to him anyway?
Captain America was great too, how can anyone say he was their least favorite? He and Ray were the ones that kept the show going and actually made you dying to watch the next episode!
Least favourites:
"Captain America" McGraw
There are some good answers in this thread. Personally I loved Fick, for obvious reasons - he was always trying to do the right thing, especially by his men. And Rudy was adorable! I couldn't get enough of him, he brought a smile to my face every time.
Least favourite would have to be Captain America. What an incompetent f@ckwit. If I had to take orders from that guy, I'd soon shoot him. Closely followed by Sixer. What an annoying f@ck.
- Ray : His carefree nature, idiotic rants and quick comebacks really struck a chord with me. Some of his quotes are the best I've ever heard in any show, and he really brought the series to life
- Iceman : He was quick, intelligent, calm and utterly dependable. Definitely the kind of guy you want on your side
- Fink : I get the feeling that his soldiers respected him so much that they would take a bullet for him.
Least Favorite:
- Trombley : Not only because he's a psychopath, just because he was deeply selfish too. The way that he turned the situation with the boys and camels back onto Iceman was despicable, especially since Iceman was only trying to help.
And in general, most of the commanding offices. They were short sighted, and put their pride ahead of everything else, including the lives of the people they were leading.