MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > DCEU fanboy hypocrites want it BOTH ways...

DCEU fanboy hypocrites want it BOTH ways...

The DCEU fanboys are trying to drum up phony "rumors" that they're gonna get a Man of Rehash "sequel" any day now:

(BTW, this is AFTER the project has been "on hold" for 5+ years and the fanboys swore up and down back in 2015 that Batfleck v. Pseudoman WAS the "sequel" to MOS and mocked anyone who argued otherwise at the time...)

For me, the most interesting aspect of these deranged fanboy "rumors" on the internet is they always yap about how much "potential" there is for another Henry Cavill Pseudoman movie because of the "endless" possibilities of villains from Superman's rogue gallery.

Yet these are the SAME fanboys who CELEBRATED this garbage "reboot" universe going the LAZIEST route and simply rehashing Lex Luthor and General Zod for the 10,000,000,000th time. Anyone who dared pointed out the Emperor had no clothes and that the Synderverse gave us nothing new or interesting was shouted down by fanboys who APPLAUDED this worthless universe and swore up and down that it was "ambitious" and "bold" and "did something new and different"... basically the exact OPPOSITE of what it really was--some soulless, predictable, cliche, "Michael Bay style" CGI infested turd, which are a dime a dozen in Hollywood.

The fanboys made it LOUD AND CLEAR that they were perfectly HAPPY with a pointless retread of the plot/characters from the Donner movies and APPLAUDED WB for giving us Luthor and Zod, over and over again, for 30+ years, and happily ponied up money for that and cheered them on every step of the way. Ohhhhh!!! Zod wants revenge on Jor-El for imprisoning him in the phantom zone, so he tries to take over earth and kill people one by one until Superman has to stop him!!! Oh, Lex Luthor has a plot to kill Superman with kryptonite. SOOOOO FRESH AND NEW!!!!

The fanboys can't have it both ways. They made this bed, now they have to lay in it. You want to reward WB for giving you the SAME stale, tired material over and over? Then that's what you'll keep getting as long as you hand over your $$$ for it and pat them on the back for it.


At least the DCEU doesn't make comedies.


For something folks seem to despise you guys sure do spend a butt load of time thinking and talking about it.


Didn't you like it then?
