The only thing that makes me nervous about NOT rebooting is that, with the exception of Zac Snyder, any additional movies to follow will be the same core group of folks doing the same thing over and over again.
As well received as the Wonder Woman movie was, and I did enjoy the film, we must be honest and admit that, after a wonderful first two-thirds of the movie, the last act devolved into the same dark, grey, colorless battle scenes with generic, uninspired "monsters" to fight, that we've come to expect from the DCEU. It's like they ran out of creative ideas and fell back on what they know best. Even with Snyder gone, without a real shake-up from the top-down, I'm afraid we'll get more scripts by committee and the movies will fail for the same reasons with which we've become far too familiar.
A full reboot and house-cleaning would be the best way to avoid that.
However, if they can move away from the director-centric formula they've followed so far and bring in fresh writers with up and coming directors with unique visions, perhaps you are right and they can save this iteration of the universe. It will entirely come down to making sure the studio heads and big-wigs can keep their noses out of the picture and allow the DCEU to grow organically, instead of being directed by bean counters, that will make or break the upcoming films.