MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > Hilarious how QueenFanUSA & Bubbathegut ...

Hilarious how QueenFanUSA & Bubbathegut suddenly disappeared

So what's up now you pathetic little JL cheerleaders?

Has reality finally set in after this weekends atrocious 15 million take?

What, nothing more to contribute about the box office returns? No more delusional predictions and false claims about how this movie will have great wom and take in 1 billion WW? (LMAO)

Admit it, your precious little movie is a bonafide failure and a FLOP of epic proportions.

Kiss your DCEU buhbye! lol


I think Bubba is hibernating or pooping and Queenfan is on his annual tree bark scavenger hunt.


I was pooping.


Great save!


LOL. DCEU fanatics are crying their eyes out


It's like they disappeared into fat air


Last time I checked they were above the Convenience Store:

"-The chrome reflects our image.
- Electricity.
- From pure air we have descended. From pure air... going up and down. Intercourse between the two worlds.
- Animal life.
- Garmombozia. This is a formica table. Green is its color.
- I have the fury of my own momentum.
- Fell a victim.
- With this ring I thee wed. Fire Walk with me."


Hell God baby damn no! I have been to one of their meetings!




It's sad, because this, for me personally, was the movie I always wanted to see. Sure it's okay, but I wanted it to be amazing! I maybe a big fan of DC but marvel is doing better and that's just a fact. I wish DC was doing well... but oh well can't do a thing about it


>> Kiss your DCEU buhbye! <<

I LOVE seeing that this turd is crashing and burning!


HAHA i love callouts!


They had it coming. It’ll be friggin hilarious if they try to keep fighting this... and they will. Talk about being delusional!

But looks like Queen will now focus on “The Last Jedi” possibly underperforming. Oh boy.


Then possibly shitting all over Ferdinand for performing much better that week... ugh.


I think they are the same person. Seriously, if you read their posts and the way they phrase things, I think it's a dual poster. I think this may "have some legs".


makes sense. nevertheless i guess for bubba he simply "starved". he was trolling all boards with his pro trump posts and ended up with zero responses. well done and well played moviechat.

reply two aren't wrong from what I've been observing about her or his activities even back on imdb.


You can't keep a good Jabba down.


Ya Queen just did another disappearing Act on the Black Panther board....

queen spent the entire month predicting BP was going to fail to meet expectations....predicting a 125 Million dollar OW and A total domestic gross that might not even hit 300 Million ....

Last week, BP opened to 200 M+.....Queen spent all Friday and Saturday claiming The Projections couldnt be believed and there was no way BPs box office could be known this early....

Hilariously Late Saturday the 200 M + projects became final....Queen the literally disappeared for 5 days, from Late Saturday until Wednesday queen Intentionally went into HIding....

Queen finally came back, Late Wednesday and started predicted BP wasn't going to have "Avengers 1" type holds....

Yesterday Queen in an Epic Failure, jumped the gun and created A Thread reporting "BP was set to make 92 M in its 2nd weekend"....queen then went on to troll by pointing out BP wasnt having Avengers 1 type holds....

I quickly pointed out, BP has came in over projections at every point so far, and Told queen Its entirely PROBABLE BP will once again come in over projections and have a 100 M+ 2nd weekend....

To queens HORROR, just as I predicted BPs came in above Projections with a 104 M 2nd weekend.....Hilariously Queen has now once again Disappeared and gone into intentionally HIding....

I imagine Queen wont show back up until sometime next week....
