Loved it
I loved it. [SPOILERS]
Characters are amazing. They light up every scene they are in. Of the bunch Batman is the lesser one which surprised me, as I think Ben is doing a great job. I want more of them... more more more.
The fighting scenes were amazing
Batman in the beginning intro gives us a smell of how a solo movie could be. yes yes yes.
The Superman showdown and his later appearance had me smiling ear to ear. Damn, that scene when Flash realizes Superman can see him while he runs... bad axx. Superman steals every scene he is in.
I am so so glad that we did not get the black suit thing....
And that Steppenwolf had little chance against Superman was just as it should be. Superman flies in and realise civilians are in trouble... leaves and comes back to finish the job. Yes yes and yes.
For once the trailers did not spill - a shame though that we all knew he would come back. Just imagine if this fact had actually been unspoiled. Mind blow.
The scene with the Amazon's was amazing too. Better than anything the Wonder Woman movie threw at us. Did not expect this. So cool.
However, the story seemed rushed and one dimensional, and clearly not as ambitious as Snyder is known to be. And the Villain served his purpose but not much more.
Surely has a feeling of being an edited work by Joss Whedon more so than Zack Snyder. Which we cannot blame, really. But that being said, I hope for a Snyder or an ultimate version later on, as you can feel there is more to it.
In short; a blast
In long; still a blast. Not a masterpiece and more importantly does not try to be, but a blast of a comics adaption it is.