Religious propaganda?

So we have a new heroe who wants to fight evil because (as he says) in the 1600´s nobody cared to fight it. Evil pagans ruled the world. But thanks to God and Solomon,the good guys, they'll get rid of evil (still waiting).

Mmmm, a little problem here. In the 1600's there were a lot of wars among Christians, they were killing each other because they thought the others were evil. Chrisitians ruled Europe and Christians were killing innoncent people. Not only that, we had the Inquisition killing more innocent people. We had a lot of saviours helped by God (or so they thought).

You may say "it's an alternative world". Yes, an alternative world created by someone very religious who wants to make us think that religion solves everything. Well, he must look back at history.


Solomon Kane lives in a fantasy version of the 17th century as you may have been able to tell from the demons and other creatures that the movie has. And if you see religious propaganda in this movie, you must also see it in pretty much every horror/vampire movie out there that has a priest, holy water or a cross in it.

It just happens to be so that a lot of stories told in the western cultures draw ideas and concepts from western mythology and beliefs, Christianity being just one of them.

As an aside, take a look at other Robert E. Howard's characters and worlds and you'll see that he did not have any sort of religious agenda.


you know what everyone has there right to an opinion but one thing i can not stand is people saying that there has been lots of murders and crusades done by christians but that is simply not true now you can argue with me but listen here the crusades were done by the catholic church or the roman catholic church which in my opionion does not have anything to do with christ to be a christian you must be like christ jesus did not condone such acts he also said there was no way for salvation exept through him which the catholic churces believes that you can be saved by the pope they teach that the pope is god while god is away they also worship marry jesus himself said do not worship anyone exept the holy trinity ie god the father god the son and god the holy ghost. so any acts of violance done in the crusades were not acts of god


Jebus dude! What's with your posts? They're just one long-ass, run-on sentence. Try using some punctuation once in a while.

people saying that there has been lots of murders and crusades done by christians but that is simply not true now you can argue with me but listen here the crusades were done by the catholic church

Oh boy. Look, the Crusades were mounted by Christians in the west, mostly France, the Holy Roman Empire and England. And at that time, to be a Christian in the Western World (after the schism) meant that you belonged to the Western (Latin) Church, now commonly known as Catholic. There really was no other game in town. So IOW, Catholic=Christian, Christian=Catholic, comprende? So yes, the Crusades were fought by Christians and to say otherwise is just plain ignorant.
the roman catholic church which in my opionion does not have anything to do with christ

Sorry, but this an incredibly stupid statement.


by - imlivingontheedgein2007 my fathers step son was very young like 4 or 5 and had very bad exima well he was always scratching and you could hear him scratch across the house at night well my dad went into his room and rebuked the demons in him and his step son fell fast asleep then when my father got back into bed his step son was scratching again and he went back in there rebuked the demons again and the kid fell fast asleep this happened like 4 times that night then my father went in there and bound the demons and rebuked them and the kid laughed like on the exersist just like on the exersist and fell right asleep and after that he never had exima again and had the most perfect skin complextion now i dont judge people for there belief systems but i have believe in the god of the bible and have witnessed the power of the lord

"Exima"(sic) is caused by demons? Please, please, please tell me that this post is a joke. Are you a Poe? You can't possibly be for real.


Maybe you shouldn't be so against religion. The problem seems like your own preconceptions about God and God's institution of the church.


Wonderful, bloody comedy. Surely JP must be desperately sad about all the fab stuff that got cut. Not to mention our best pal Pete P - quelle surprise old boy - big, silly *beep* cliches and cuts. I'll not mention your stellar back-cat.

Anyway, what a gory romp. Purefoy, please choose more wisely - you've a future ahead of you... though I suspect that you were slightly miffed the moment you stepped on set and were introduced to your character.... It must have seemed awesome at the time...


Go to the director's blog where he has an interview, in which he explains whether the movie is religious propaganda.


Apparently, you need to study a bit more on history. Though it is true that many Christians were killing each other and innocent people in the 1600s, not all Christians were. You need to stop looking at one side of the issue, here. There are mass murderers on all sides of a belief. Christianity is no exception. Though some Christians did kill the innocent, many, many more did not. In fact, on the contrary, most Christians of the time didn't really kill anyone. It was really the Christian leadership that committed all the heinous acts of the time. The regular believers, such as the kind of family in this film that helped Solomon Kane and the majority of monks of the time, didn't go around killing innocent people. There's no denying the atrocities done in God's name, but only a fool would say the majority of Christians have committed them. That is most certainly not the case. I have no doubt that Christians such as the family that helped Solomon Kane or even Christians such as Solomon Kane existed. Christians come in all different styles, you know. They aren't all blood thirsty killers. Some actually did want to genuinely help the innocent and get rid of what they saw as evil. Study some more history there, buddy. You have obviously only studied one particular side of the matter. There's a whole other side to the story you need to research. Half of the story isn't enough, you know. You need to get the full picture before you make such outrageous accusations.



I don't think anybody will be watching this for lessons in history. Suspension of disbelief, m80.


At the end of the day, the movie is a piece of action/fantasy entertainment. If there was a message to be taken from it, the individual audience tends to shape that on their own. Take Ghostbusters for example... the plot, and outcome of the film is "anti-God" to a certain extent. Spirits being allowed to roam free and god-like entities coming to enslave Earth, right? But I don't think that was the intent of the film-makers... that's just part of the world they've created. And I personally don't "get" that when I watch Ghostbusters but I've heard that argument before.

Suspension of disbelief... put yourself into that world. If you need to believe in God in that place, that's okay... it's fantasy to you then. If God doesn't exist in that world, that's fine too. After seeing the film, I don't feel that the intent here was to force religion down anyone's throat anymore than a film like "Constantine" did. In fact, "Constantine" seemed to be absent of God altogether didn't it? Even while it maintained the existence of the Devil. If the Devil exits, then God must, yes? But I'm getting off topic...

The real concern, I feel, would be if the film had taken a large portion of Christian (or non-Christian) ideology and twisted it so as to sway the viewer towards atheism or some other such confusion.


I am an Atheist.

I liked Howard's original stories, and I like this film.

Yes, Kane is a religious man and there are religious themes in the film, but he was also a religious man in the stories, and there were religious themes.

The fact that Kane is a Christian in no way affects my liking of him.

I can't see the problem here.


I'm an atheist too, and I don't have a problem with this film. In fact I really enjoyed it. Solomon Kane is a fantasy movie set in a world where demons and the Devil exist, and therefore (logically) God must exist also. Kane's belief in God is not a matter of faith, but is due to his first-hand experience and knowledge of the demons he's encountered.
