I truly despise the whole idea of region-coding
It's movies like this that make me truly hate the whole idea of region-coded media.
shareIt's movies like this that make me truly hate the whole idea of region-coded media.
shareDo you have any idea how easy and quick it is to transform pretty much any DVD player from region specific to a multi region player?
There are quite a few websites solely dedicated to give you the information on how to do just that. Some of those sites have literally got instructions for hundreds and hundreds of different players. More often than not you don't need to do more than tapping in a few numbers on the remote and Bob's your uncle. I've never had to be without a multi region player for the last 8 years because of this. Last year I managed to transform my Sony BluRay to multi region as well - and, no, I'm not an 'techy' guy at all.
Just Google "multiregion hack" and you should be on the right way.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."
The Norwegian Blu is region free. Just got mine for 20 bucks shipped off ebay.
sharePiracy is region free.
You obviously don't comprehend the level of insane I operate at.
I have been using PCs to play DVDs for over a decade. After my first DVD player went kaput (lasers seem to have a usage time limit) I thought to myself, "Hey, my computer has a DVD ROM drive in it, why don't I just use that and save some money?"
The best thing is every real computer comes with a free DVD player, and the software to play all sorts of formats is free (VLC Media player and the often-overlooked but excellent Media Player Classic).
I see that the bleating died off years ago, presumably with the wizened, clueless folks who were posting the bleats.