Christian Bale was 10 out of 10
Are you kidding me? His performance is amazing.
I love this movie. It's the best thing I've seen in at least 3 years.
Are you kidding me? His performance is amazing.
I love this movie. It's the best thing I've seen in at least 3 years.
I was really finding it hard to believe that this was the same guy from American Psycho and The Dark Knight trilogy. Phenomenal acting.
I wish actors wouldn't put themselves through so much for a part, though. I mean, they should still take their health into the equation. He came out fine but the extent that some actors go sometimes makes me worry about them.
Ignore what people say; freely state your opinion and be proud of it :)
Christian Bale as Dicky Eklund is one of the finest acting performances of the 2010s. Incredible performance.