Seems the vast number of people that dislike this are Rocky Horror fans
Just something that I noticed in the message boards and in the introduction of this film to other people.
Those that are Rocky Horror fans tend to have a special level of disdain for this movie.
Personally although I own Rocky Horror and have been to several midnight showings I fail to see the lure of this movie. I respect it for its secured status as a cult classic, and its loyal following but that is about it.
I find the songs in Rocky to be rather bland, and the acting to be so over the top its comical (yes I know that is kinda the point).
Also I think it is fair to note that I typically do not really enjoy musicals, the Buffy Musical Episode being the only real exception.
Now on to Repo.
I think there are several things to take into account here. This really isn't a musical and follows the more Operatic themes. Where in a musical its really just people breaking into song to further the story.. Operas use the songs to tell the story. So if you are a fan of musicals this may not be for you.
Also something to take into account is individual taste in music. If you are into pop music, RnB, or Showtunes this probably isn't the movie for you. If you are a fan of Marylin Manson, Sixx A.M. and the likes this is probably something you will enjoy.
Over all I loved Repo and I honestly watch it about once a month. I own the CD and it sits in my CD Wallet in my car and is listened to regularly.
I didn't know I would love it so much, but I do