i was so fcking bored

OMFG i was so bored with this film. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

If people call this a thriller then they need medical help.

The only "action" was the shoot out in the museum

this seemed to poorly copy a james bond/ jason bourne theme and failed terribly


It was so boring because the story made no sense. I still dont know what happened at the end.


haha you guys all have ADD. This movie actually kept me awake because it was intriguing. Now if you really want to watch a boring movie go check out 'there will be blood'. That was a total snoozefest. It got an 8.3 rating so I thought I'd check it out.. couldn't even finish it, my mind kept wandering off and had to rewatch scenes a few times then finally just stopped watching. Another borefest was the english patient..


Yeah I actually really enjoyed this movie too. The cinematography and score alone were enough to keep my interest. But that's Tykwer for you.

TWBB was extremely boring, but I only felt that way because it seemed like a lot of the scenes during the movie were unnecessarily drawn out. Like the director kept reiterating himself throughout the film. It could have been an hour and a half and still delivered the same overall message easily.

And to that snooty *beep* that thinks Americans are the only people that have the attention span of a gnat. I hate to break it to you, but that is a worldwide phenomenon. Not just a North American one.

"IMDB... where 14 year old's can pretend to be jaded 40 year old movie critics"



I understand that. But how many more people are in the United States in comparison to any other country in the world with a large movie going population?

Just because we have a lot of retards doesn't mean that the entire country is like that. I enjoy stupid big budget movies if I'm with friends, but I'm not going to go see every one of them in the theater.

I actually enjoy European and Asian cinema much more than most American productions.

I just get sick of the overused stereotype that all of us Americans are a bunch of dumb rednecks who have no taste in movies.

"IMDB... where 14 year old's can pretend to be jaded 40 year old movie critics"




Well yeah, you go see big over the top action movies after a few rounds, or with a big group of friends. You go see subtle, dramatic fare with a clear mind. Honestly I sit out of most movies in the theater unless I'm already familiar with and have enjoyed the director or screenwriters previous films. Tykwer has been hit and miss with me, but more hit than miss. Perfume, and Run Lola Run were both fantastic films, but I just didn't enjoy The Princess and the Warrior as much. The International, while a bit convoluted was a very fun, & intriguing movie, but it was missing some of the charm he brought to his previous indie films.

"IMDB... where 14 year old's can pretend to be jaded 40 year old movie critics"


<<<haha me too....i played with mine the entire time after the first four minutes>>>>

Yeah umm....thats pretty idiotic. How can you get bored of a movie after only 4 minutes? Why even bother going to the movies?



Watched it, understood it and absolutely LOVE Clive Owen, but still have to say that I thought it was a snooze fest.


I liked it, plot and character driven, Watts and Owen did a good job in it, and overall I give it a 8/10.

Hey Katz, I think its safe to say that MTV is no longer Music Television, there is NO music on it anymore, unless you count the late night playlists, its more reality bullcrap, and I'm ashamed to call it MTV anymore.

Don't worry, I saw Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to end this 17 times.


the only reason why i watched this is because i am turkish and wanted to see the part where they are in turkey, biggest regret of my life, one of the most boring movies i have ever seen what was it about even




Fell asleep too, about 2/3rds of the way through. Saw no reason to go back to the DVD later and watch the rest.
