i was so fcking bored

OMFG i was so bored with this film. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

If people call this a thriller then they need medical help.

The only "action" was the shoot out in the museum

this seemed to poorly copy a james bond/ jason bourne theme and failed terribly


Agreed, I zoned out after the museum scene. I stayed for the whole thing but it was horrible

Ned: He's not just dead. He's extra-crispy.


Awful film, we all went with expectations of a great film and was just letdown


Yeah same what my boyfriend said who dragged me to see this movie after I warned him it'll probably be boring. He ended up playing with his cell phone.



I walked out of the cinema. I am loathe to agree that a film is that boring - but it really was.


Luckily, I was watching a DVD. I just fell asleep early.



I enjoyed it,maybe you didn't understand the film.


I understood it just fine, but it was still boring as hell

Ned: He's not just dead. He's extra-crispy.


Agreed - this is one boring film. Never could get into the movie and couldn't have cared less about the characters.


Sooo boring my god I almost walked out then almost had a nap during it .


I thought it was a brilliantly executed movie, had everything I want in a movie; suspense, action, an actual plot, fantastic cinematography, and a brilliant score. I'm surprised many found it boring to be honest, but then again - I still fall asleep in plenty of movies ;) not everything's for everyone =)



People who are calling it boring---to the point of having to play with their cell phones during the running time---were you raised on MTV? Must every action movie have quick edits and be saturated with CGI? And a special effect or action scene every two minutes? This movie required you to LISTEN to the dialogue. Maybe instead of venturing out to see intelligent movies like this, just download the latest Jason Statham movie to your cell phone or iPOD and save yourself the trouble of going to the theaters.

Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.


Yep, if there aren't super fight scenes/boobs/explosions/car chases every 10 minutes then they get bored, and then they take out their cell phone and distract others who actually want to see an orignal and well made movie.

Soon, we'll be like the society from Idiocracy, seeing the 17 minute movie ASS.



I also found the film very dull. I paid close attention to the dialogue, but it was clunky and, I felt, badly-written and riddled with cliches. Why the need for so many ridiculous metaphors in quick succession? Why try to crowbar explanatory sentences for the audience in places where it wouldn't be natural?

I love intelligent media if everything in it is intelligent. For example, the West Wing has little in the way of real action, but has sharp dialogue and very precise delivery.

I feel as though this film fully didn't know what it was doing with itself, as suggested by the delay in release date to encorporate more of an action theme to the film. It didn't do so cohesively and that really showed through in what seemed to drag and grasp at a thinning plot.

In my opinion......!


This movie required you to LISTEN to the dialogue.

See, that was the very problem. The dialog was boring as F--K.

Sweep the leg..


It was not boring at all. The pacing was fine. If this movie is boring, then The Cake Eaters would put you to sleep.

Insecure men supporting Feminist hate against themselves is the ultimate act of Chivalry


If this movie is boring, then The Cake Eaters would put you to sleep.

I'll make sure to avoid "The Cake Eaters" then.



Sweep the leg..



Naturally -- if someone doesn't appreciate something that you happen to it points to them being inept, instead of a simple difference of opinion.


Boring, so so boring. Extremely poorly written, cliched, clunky dialogue, didn't care for the characters at all. It has Tom Tykwer's name on it but it is miles away from Run Lola Run. I don't know what went wrong, perhaps everything. Worst of all, there's nothing satisfying or at least poignant about it. It's pointless.


It was indeed pretty boring and possibly the most average movie ever made.


It was better than what I heard it was, I was interested in the conspiracy part and what were the real motives of the bank, it raises some interesting political issues relevant to our times.

I agree, it's not a movie for everyone, it's certainly a movie that required patience but it's hardly the worse ever. For that we have crap like Transformers, a movie with a 35 minute plot stretched out into nearly 2 hours.


*beep* *beep* FILM VERY BAD


They work on complicating the story so they forget making it fun.
And everything is bluish. Thrillers are always blue. Especially boring ones. Snoozy.
...except for the Istanbul scene. That was nice.

This film's crap, let's slash the seats


I agree completely. It was extremely slow-paced. I got bored after the first 5 minutes.


yes, very very very boring.


only movie i ever walked out of

i was there type late tho, like 11pm and i had just seen another movie before

maybe if i had watched it in the afternoon i would not had left (been bored out my mind)

but to be honest, i wanted to stay and watch the entire thing cuz i never leave movies

but everyone i was with, some of em were sleepin and others really wanted to leave


You Americans......... Any movie with a body count below 100 and no tits and ass is considered like umm boring. Im going to recommend a movie to yall, watch Idiocracy and take a peek into your future.


This movie WAS badly written, clichéed, weirdly paced AND boring.
The story wasn't even that intelligent, which makes it even more funny when people accuse people who don't like the movie to be dumb. There Will Be Blood is a "slow" movie that is good. This, this was just crap. I have no idea what happened to Tom Tykwer, how on earth could he make such a mediocre movie? Studio interference?
And it's funny that people keep bringing up Idiocracy, which only had a brilliant intro and premise(that educated people think, plan and fuzz waaaay too much before getting kids, which will sooner or later result in the dumb taking over), the rest of the movie was pretty bland.

"I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar."
Hoban 'Wash' Washburn


I love movies.

I hate people who talk on their cell phones and disrupt the audience around them from watching a movie. I respect all aspects of a movie and I certainly listen to movies score, watch how a movie is shot and how the characters are developed through the writing.


With that being said...This movie is extremely boring and very uninteresting.
