The comments on Bret and Tyler are accurate, but it was entirely the CW's fault for not supporting the show in the first place and it was entirely their fault for it's cancellation. The blame rests squarely on Dawn Ostroff's head. She never liked the show; she did nothing to support it, because it didn't fit her coveted 18-34 women demographic audience. Well, I wonder how she feels about it now. Melrose Place (1,003,000 total viewers last night) is rating nowhere near what Reaper did last year; even in the her coveted 18-34 female demographic. All reports indicate that Bret and Tyler would have been very happy to continue the show; and, in fact, were under contract until June, 2009. But, yes, by the time ABC Studios began shopping it to other networks, it was too late. Tyler already had the Sons of Tucson pilot. So I guess you could blame ABC Studios for waiting till the last minute to shop the show elsewhere, but they may have been hindered from doing so until the CW "officially" cancelled the show. The CW local affiliates definitely wanted the show to continue. They wanted to pick it up in syndication to place it on Sunday night to fill the time abandoned by the CW network.