Ivana's accent

It bothered me to the point thar I couldn't focus on anything else. I'm not saying her English is awful. It's ok, but I wish that it would have been explained in som way why she didn't sound anything like her father and brother.


They do mention she's adopted.


She just tells her teacher she's adopted, but she's lying.



Thank you porfle! I was just about to write that.


Well, technically she had just been adopted by a new family of ugly, dirty monsters living in a mould.

Seriously, that was I thought when I saw that part. Either she was implying she had a new family, or that she didn't feel she belonged to her real family anymore.


I didn't notice any accent.


I actually was very impressed with how good her english is and could not hear any accent at all.


I didn't hear an accent either, and I was a little surprised that she was the little gal from Pan's Labrynth. In fact, can you imagine not having a strong English accent if you were doing a Spanish flick? She's impressive!


I totally agree with you!


I didn't hear an accent either and I am fluent in Spanish, the Castillano Spanish which is the proper form spoken in Spain. Maybe I am just use to it because I live in San Antonio and spent most of my adult life in the Southwest and have gotten use to it. But, just because I didn't hear it doesn't mean that other people didn't notice some thing with the way she spoke.


I am on my second viewing and have yet top be "distracted" by her accent. I can't even tell she has one! You are either have hypersensitive hearing or are hearing things no one else is! If the latter, I suggest you see a doctor right away!


I didn't hear an accent at all. It is no issue with me.




Arnie never explained why he sounded retarded in his films, lol.

I'll be back...

now this is acting: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2458172160/tt1528718


maybe it could simply be disregarded as a lisp, have you ever thought of that?? Does Sly has to explain why he talks the way he talks in any of his movie??

Lisps don't need any explanation, Joaquin Phoenix used to sound similar to Ivana and his was only a lisp, not an accent.

now this is acting: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2458172160/tt1528718
