MovieChat Forums > The New Daughter (2010) Discussion > 100 things I learned from watching 'The ...

100 things I learned from watching 'The New Daughter'

1) It's more than alright to break into someone elses home and look through their things.. as long as they don't catch you doing so.

2) Letting my children "explore" an unknown area while I sleep in a chair, IS a good idea.

3) Don't worry about telling the children to be home before it gets dark unless they've already done it a few times.

4) If you're an officer of the law, and believe that you just hit someone or something with your car and are in that car with a potential suspect, just hang out the window instead of checking to see if you just hit one of the children that live on that property.

5) If you are said officer, and a flesh eating zombie grabs hold of you, dont worry about ever once reaching for your gun. Maybe he'll just decide he's not that hungry after all.

6) When there are flesh eating zombies breaking into your house and you have to go look for your child, just leave the other child in a little blanket tent even though theres a door in (at least) one room that leads to the inside of the walls. Because you know, zombies (or whatever the heck they were) can't get through blankets.

7) Dads aren't as good at parenting as "slut" moms.

8) When the ugliest girl in school tells me I'm in her seat I should apologize right away and move as quickly as I can.

9) Leaving my children with someone I've never met is alright as long as someone I hardly know recommended them.

10) All 200 year old ladies are great baby sitters so we should trust them.

11) Bring more ammo than just a handful when rescuing your child!!!!

12) If your daughter isn't normal, hell, burn the house down WITH HER IN IT!

Feel free to add your own..


Your 100 reasons are making me realize that The New Daughter was a comedy, otherwise as a horror movie it stunk.
"It's the stuff that dreams are made of."


131 always leave your lights on when getting out of the car
132 buy a house that has far too many rooms for 3 people, then find the smallest room each to squash yourself in to
133 no matter what the situation KC conveys the same slightly bored nondescript expression and monotonal voice
134 if you can't decide whether to end a film with the hero vanquishing the gremlins or an open ended 'get ready for part 2' - do both, badly


135 If you see something strange running around outside that breaks your car window while you're driving up, don't call the police, just tell your daughter she can't go outside anymore without explaining why.

136 When you're calling 911 in an extreme emergency, it's better to hang up just before they answer if your child yells "Daddy" from the next room.

